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Wallace, Allison
Personal information, photo, and interests.
Wallace, Andrew S.
Online resume and photo gallery of his baby son.
Wallace, Andy
Includes photographs, experiences, and links.
Wallace, David
Brief personal information and photos from time spent in Germany.
Wallace, Dorcas Alexander
Information on family, friends, quilt design, and favorite reading.
Wallace, Gavin
Family photographs and some personal information.
Wallace, Glenn
Personal information, and links to favorite cars, hockey, hunting, and fishing pages.
Wallace, Heather
Personal information, links and pictures.
Wallace, Janice
Family news and messages, and picture galleries.
Wallace, Jeff
Photographs from trips, adventures, family and work.
Wallace, Mark
Personal information and photos of ski trips with favorite links.
Wallace, Matthew C.
Online resume, favorite games, movie reviews, and daily schedule.
Wallace, Patrick
Personal information, family history, and guide to adding chat to a Web site.
Wallace, Rebecca Diane
Online resume and photograph.
Wallace, Sharon Morton - Wallace World
Original artwork, graphics and backgrounds. Including Native American history and genealogy on Morton family.
Wallace, Simon
Personal information, links and pictures.
Wallace, William McDonald
Theories, thoughts, links to business and economics sites, and online resume.