english deutsch
Davies, Alan
Includes photographs, personal information, and links.
Davies, Ashley
Includes news, personal information, a dictionary, family, friends, and travels.
Davies, David - Dsquared
The online home of David Davies. Photographs, links and software reviews.
Davies, Drew
Includes personal information, pictures, and links.
Davies, Ed
Online version of Ed's CV, papers written on gliding and computing and a selection of free software.
Davies, Frank
Includes art, music, and a resume.
Davies, Jim- Works, Ideas, and Interests
Creative graduate student whose pages are full of information ranging from (Laurie) Anderson to Z programming.
Davies, Joachim
Includes news, designs, and photographs.
Davies, Laura
Includes personal information, photographs, and links.
Davies, Max
Content on Max's girlfriend, 1973 Volkswagen Camper, kites he has known and loved and photo albums of trips.
Davies, Paul - Cartoonist and Likeable Person
Portfolio of cartoonist Paul Davies.
Davies, Peter
Includes personal information, a family tree, and pictures.
Davies, Richard
Contains recipes and information about Bulgaria.
Davies, Samantha
Information on Samantha and her involvement with gymnastics.