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All Things Draconic
Contains several resources, including art, a dictionary, and essays on trans-speciesism.
Offers discussion boards, chat, a link database, and a member location database. Also contains art, poetry, and the webmaster's personal story. [registration required for some features]
Draconity Test
A humorous draconity corruption test.
Dragon Council
A place for draconic people to share philosophy, art, stories, ideas, and support. Also lists sites for help in spirituality and discussions are welcome!
Discordian, photographer, poet and dragonic.
Goodly's Homepage
Contains links, pictures, an autobiography and details of the author's draconity.
The Draconity FAQ
Covers general, psychological, religious, social, and other questions.
The Dragons of Gaundaria
Information on the astral realm of Gaundaria, its inhabitants, and spiritual dragons and dragon magick.
The Revised Dragon Code V2.1b
History, links, and dictionary for the current code, meant to help a creature describe who he or she is with symbols.
Tysha's Dragon Forum
Magick, general chat, and links.
Wyrm's Lair
Learn about dragon myths of the British Isles, making plush dragons, and Wyrm.