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Casa Alianza
Latin American branch of Covenant House; site provides information on the organization's work dedicated to the rehabilitation and defense of street children in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua.
[GU] CNN - Guatemalan street kids face hardships a
Short article about street children in Guatemala City.
[GU] Escuela de la Calle
Project which works with street children in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Outreach and residential programs.
[GU] The Toybox Charity - Rescuing Street Children
The Toybox Charity is a Christian charity rescuing street children in Guatemala, Latin America. They operate outreach, residential and educational programs.
[HO] Children in the Street
Operate outreach and residential programs for street children in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
[HO] Death stalks street children
Article about police and private security agents' murders of street children in Honduras.
[HO] The Friends of El Hogar
The Friends of El Hogar support street children's charities in Honduras, Central America.
[NI] Casa Betesda
A Christian home for abandoned, abused or orphaned children in Managua, Nicaragua. Rated among the top 10 best homes by MiFamilia, the Nicaraguan government's Ministry of Family Services.
[NI] Nicaragua: TESIS
Article about an organization helping street children in Nicaragua.
[NI] Si a la Vida
Project providing a home and education to street children in Managua, Nicaragua. Outreach work. Photos.