A Masters in Information Systems Management student has travel pictures and coursework links.
Abraham, Jean Marie
Doctoral student in Public Policy and Management. Includes profile, photos, and links to interests.
Agard-Solomon, Angela
Heinz'04 graduate student's projects, interests and contacts.
Akella, Srinivasa Aditya
SCS CSD graduate assistant's contacts, academics, publications, writings and leisure.
Alfaro, Jose
SCS RI graduate student's research, personal, photos, resume and contacts.
Allin, Sonya
SCS HCII graduate assistant's publications, academics and professional.
Anastasios, Skoulidas I.
Doctoral student in the Chemical Engineering Department. Includes information about his research projects.
Anderson, Brigham
SCS RI graduate student's thesis, research and personal. Data mining, machine learning and AI algorithms.
Graduate student in the Chemistry Department. Includes photos and contact information.
Ankolekar, Anupriya
SCS HCII graduate assistant's research, academics, leisure, contacts and blog.
Anuraag Bhargava
Master of Science in Industrial Administration graduate student's academic work, resume, India photos and computing interests.
Artigas, Pedro
SCS CSD graduate assistant's contacts, publications, presentations and CV.
BaLabubramanian, Ravi
SCS RI graduate student's research, photos, contacts, music and trivia.
Balan, Rajesh
SCS CSD graduate assistant's research, personal, academics, friends and contacts.
Balcan, Doru
SCS CSD graduate assistant's research, biography and contacts.
Balkcom, Devin
SCS RI graduate student's personal, research, academics, biography and contacts.
Bang, Danny
Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate's blog.
Barbic, Jernej
SCS CSD graduate assistant's biography, academics, research, contacts and photos.
Berger, Kenneth
SCS HCII Masters graudate's biography, resume, portfolio, photos and professional.
Berna, Mary
SCS RI and CIT ME graduate student's contacts, personal, academics and photos.
Bharambe, Ashwin
SCS CSD graduate assistant's personal, research and contacts.
Blandford, Daniel
SCS CSD graduate assistant's writings, biography, academics, research and contacts.
Blum, Tal
SCS LTI PhD candidate's research, teaching, and professional.
Bohus, Dan
SCS CSD PhD graduate's research, teaching, academic, photos and biography.
Bondarenko, Alexander S.
Graduate student in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Includes resume, profile, information about his work, and astronomy photos.
Booi, Ntombizanele
SCS SE Masters' academics, photos, social, writings and leisure.
Budiu, Mihai-Dan
SCS CSD PhD graduate assistant's personal, biography, CV, contacts, research, projects and links.
Butler, Shawn
SCS ISRI graduate assistant's publications, presentations and research.
Carmichael, Owen
SCS RI graduate student's publications, affiliations and research.
Cavalli-Sforza, Violetta
SCS LTI Visiting Researcher's personal, publications and research.
Cepni, Ahmet Gurkan
Doctoral student in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Includes a list of classes taken and research information.
Chai, Jinxiang
SCS RI graduate student's publications, research and affiliations.
Chakrabarti, Deepayan
SCS CALD graduate assistant's research, publications and academics.
Chaudhuri, Kaustuv
SCS CSD PhD candidate's publications and research.
Chauhan, Pankajkumar
SCS CSD PhD candidate's CV, academics, personal and publications.
Chawla, Shuchi
SCS CSD PhD candidate's research, publications and teaching.
Chen, Shimin
SCS CSD PhD candidate's research, publications and teaching.
Chernova, Sonia
SCS CSD PhD candidate's research in autonomous robots, teaching, and photos.
Chotimongkol, Ananlada
SCS LTI PhD candidate's publications and research.
Chowdhury, Arindam Pushan
International student from India, PhD in Physical Chemistry graduate's CV, academic interests, photo album, friends, links and writings.
Christy, Amanda
Graduate student in Public Policy. Includes her resume.
Chutinan, Alongkrit
Graduate student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Includes his resume and personal and research information.
Costa, Albert G.
Graduate mechanical engineering student's schedule, photos and vampire and Star Wars information.
Czuba, Krzysztof
SCS LTI PhD graduate's research, resume and publications.
De Jesus Sousa, Joao Pedro
SCS CSD PhD candidate's personal, research and publications.
Dhanuka, Anupam
Graduate student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Includes resume, information about classes taken, list of projects, and photos.
Dima, Cristian
SCS PhD candidate's personal, research, links and photos.
Dobzinski, Oren
ECE PhD candidate's research in network and sofware security, applied cryptography, distributed systems and software engineering.
Dreyer, Derek
SCS CSD PhD candidate's professional, research, teaching and links.
Dunfield, Josuha
SCS CSD PhD candidate's politics, personal, research, projects and transportation resources.
Fass, Adam
SCS CSD PhD candidate's projects, research, personal, publications and personal.
Faulring, Andrew
SCS CSD PhD candidate's projects, research, affiliatons and personal.
Ferguson, David
SCS RI PhD candidate's research, photos, personal, and affiliations.
Fine, Kevin
Masters in Information Systems Management graduate's blog, photo album and contacts.
Fogarty, James
SCS HCII PhD graduate student's research, biography, photos, publications and contacts.
Frantz, Heather
SCS HCII Masters student's photos, biography, portfolio, resume and contacts.
Gerber, Allison B.
Masters in Business Administration graduate's resume, links and fun.
Gergle, Darren
SCS HCII PhD candidate's portfolio, projects, resume, research and professional.
Gilpin, Andrew
SCS CSD PhD candidate's personal, research, publications, presentations, and teaching.
Goel, Amit
Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate's contacts and photo album.
Goldenberg, Anna
SCS CALD PhD candidate's CV, research, publications and affiliatons.
Greenbaum, Adam
Masters in Information Systems Management graduate's assignments, academic schedule and resume.
Greenhouse, Aaron
SCS ISRI doctoral graduate student's personal, links, academics, biography, interests and contacts.
Gross, Ashley
Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate's biography, schedule, links and resume.
Gross, Ralph
SCS RI Research Programmer's research and publications.
Han, Ding-Jung "Benjamin"
SCS LTI PhD candidate's biography, publications, code, writings, and music.
Harizopoulos, Stavros
SCS CSD PhD candidate's research in database systems performance, personal, and publications.
Hartman, Gregory
SCS ISRI PhD candidate's presentations and publications.
Haynes, Galen Clark
SCS RI PhD candidate's photos, blog, resume, resume, research, personal and links.
Hendricks, James
SCS CSD PhD candidate's affiliatoons, publications, talks, CV, research, biography and academics.
Hoberman, Rose
SCS CSD PhD candidate's research in semantic coherence, publications, and personal.
Hopper, NichoLab
SCS CSD PhD candidate's research in cryptography, publications, and personal.
Hu, Yih-Chun
Ph.D. in Computer Science graduate's application materials, CV, research and teaching statements, publications, contacts and links.
Hudson, Benoit
SCS CSD PhD candidate's space robotics research, publications, presentations, talks, and photos.
Hurst, Jonathan
SCS RI PhD candidate's photos, personal, and research.
Jackson, Anne
Master of Arts in Professional Writing graduate has biography, resume, electronic and print writing portfolio and contacts.
Jongpairat, Anuwat
International Masters student in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Thailand has links, coursework, friends and photos.
Kliger, Aleksey
SCS CSD graduate assistant. Academics, CV and contacts.
Kubica, Jeremy
SCS RI graduate student. Biography, links, work, research, news and contacts.
Landa, Alexander I., Dr.
PhD in Physics graduate's publications, presentations and resume.
Lauwers, Tom
SCS RI graduate student. Biography, resume, projects, photos and contacts.
Li, Gregory
SCS HCII Masters student's resume, biography and contacts.
Lin, Wei-Hao
SCS LTI graduate student's publications, research, teaching, talks, personal advice and contacts.
Lin, Wen-Chieh
SCS RI graduate student's leisure, personal, research, resume and contacts.
Lopez, George
SCS RI graduate student's photos, contacts, biography and research.
Manoussakis, Alexandros
Masters in Information Networking graduate's contacts, resume and caricature.
Mirman, Dan
Psychology graduate student with Lori Holt and Jay McClell. Academics and contacts.
Mishra, Shailendra
SCS LTI graduate student's biography, resume and research.
Moscatelli, Adriana
International student from Uruguay with Masters in Interaction Design designer's resume, biography and portfolio.
Nieves, Ian
SCS SE Masters' biography, photos, resume, links, personal and contacts.
O'Sullivan, Joseph
Ph.D. in Computer Science graduate's research, local leisures and contacts.
Olson, Carl
Director of Primate Physiology Laboratory. CNBC page. Academics and contacts.
Parker, Elizabeth
SCS HCII Masters student. Resume, papers, projects, portfolio, photos and contacts.
Pennington, Adam
Masters in Computer Science and Electrical & Computer Engineering graduate's forums and extremely large and fully captioned photo album.
Petrov, Alexander
Post-doctoral associate in Cognitive Science, also practicing at University of California at Irvine, has biography, CV and his Ph.D. Dissertation.
Porter, Eric
SCS CSD Masters. Research, leisure and contacts.
Pradhan, Abhijeet D
Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering graduate, Masters of Business Administration graduate and international student from India has biography, links, resume, photos and contacts.
Rajeswaran, Arjunan
Master's student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Resume and area of research.
Reshko, Greg
SCS CSD Masters student's resume, research in augmented reality, publications, presentations, and personal.
Sang Lee, Kevin
SCS HCI PhD candidate in usability, UI and SUI design, human factors, HCI and CSCW. Personal, photos, works, research and portfolio.
Setlock, Leslie
SCS HCII Masters of Rhetoric (MCHI) graduate student's CV, personal, photos, and research in workflow disruptions.
Skaff, Sarjoun
SCS RI graduate student's publications, academics and contacts.
Smith, Marion
SCS RI graduate student's research, publications and contacts.
Smith, Matthew A.
Post-doctoral fellow for Tai-Sing lee. Academics and contacts.
Srinivasa, Siddhartha
SCS RI graduate student. Academics, personal, links and contact.
Stavchansky, Arie
Computer graphic designer and artist. Portfolio of website design, 3D modeling, interfaces, print, manual art, and resume.
Stephens, Joseph
Psychology graduate student's academics and contacts.
Stepleton, Thomas
SCS RI graduate student with Dave Touretzky and Tai Sing Lee. Academics and contacts.
Stroupe, Ashley
SCS RI PhD graduate student. Thesis, research, works, publications and contacts.
Sukthankar, Gita
SCS RI graduate student. Politics, photos, personal, links, labs and contacts.
Toth, Arthur
SCS LTI graduate student. Research, teaching, publications and contacts.
Tsin, Yanghai
SCS RI graduate student. Photos, biography, research and contacts.
Urmson, Christopher
SCS RI graduate student. Biography, links, research and contacts.
Ventura, Valerie
Statistics researcher's and graduate student's teaching and contacts.
Verma, Vandi
SCS RI doctoral graduate student. Academics, projects, labs, interests and contacts.
Wang, Chieh-Chih
SCS RI PhD graduate student. Research, publications and contacts.
Wang, Richard Ching
SCS LTI Masters student's personal and links.
Wierman, Adam
Doctoral student in the Computer Science Department. Includes information about his research, photos, and information about track at CMU.
Wierman, Adam
SCS CSD PhD candiate's research in array priority processing, CV, talks, projects, teaching, publications, and personal.
Williams, Richard
SCS CSD PhD candidate's research in computational theory, publications, and teaching.
Yasushi Kawakura
Japanese visiting graduate researcher in the Information Networking Institute with his photo album.
Zhang, Yi
SCS LTI graduate student's teaching, resume, research, personal, photos and contacts.
Zhu, Xiaojin
SCS LTI graduate student. Teaching, research and contacts.
Zlot, Robert
SCS RI PhD graduate student. Research, publications, pictures, links, contacts and WRCT DJing info.