*U* UFO Database
UFO maps and statistics from over 18,000 filtered sightings worldwide, for all dates.
Report sightings and view them. Includes discussion boards for a variety of paranormal related topics: aliens, ghosts, conspiracy theories, and the paranormal in entertainment.
Arizona UFO
Arizona UFO, Phoenix lights, unexplained sightings, and phenomena in Arizona.
Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs
Publicity for David Sereda's book presenting NASA footage that appears to show intelligent craft and arguing a link to the Sirius star system.
Kecksburg PA UFO Incident
A petition for information disclosure regarding the Kecksburg Pennsylvania UFO incident.
Massachusetts UFO Resources
A comprehensive source for information on UFOs in Massachusetts, including sightings, and report databases.
Michigan UFO Sightings
Michigan UFO sighting reports and investigations. Current and historical aspects of UFOs.
Project Hessdalen
In the area of Hessdalen, Norway, a luminous phenomenon was occurring with strong recurrence. The Project Hessdalen is a scientific research project for the study of the phenomenon. [English/Norwegian]
Rogue Sighting - July 6 , 2003
UFO captured on film Sunday July 6, 2003 within the Low Country Region of South Carolina, USA.
Siriusufo Space Sciences Research Center
UFO sightings and the possibilities behind them.
The UFO Organisation
Concentrates mainly on sightings and how to report them, but also has general UFO information.
The Ultimate UFOlogists WWW Page
UFO pictures, sightings, books.
U F O Nut
This site contains pictures and descriptions of historic UFO sightings and annotated links to current UFO observers.
UFO India
Reports UFO sightings, SETI, paranormal phenomenon in India. Also publishes articles, and news on related subjects.
UFO Map: The Empty Quarter of the Sea
Out of 18,100 UFO sightings in the *U* Database, none fall within a huge area of sea shown on this map.
UFO Over Whixley North Yorkshire 1977
Description of a UFO sighting over Whixley, near York, North Yorkshire, UK in May 1977.
UFO Sightings in the UK
Lists reports of UFO sightings and alien abductions in the UK.
UFO Sightings Over New England
A collection of UFO reports regarding the 6 New England states of New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.
Flying saucer reports and alien encounters. The extraterrestrial hypothesis is explored.
UFOs Over America
Dedicated to information about UFO sightings, photos, stories, encounters, links.
Unexplainable UFO Pictures And Information
Reports, sightings and an interactive supernatural message board.