Abduction, A Materialised Dream, Alien Abductions, UFO Sightings, Crop Circles, Alien Alley - Abduction Artwork, Alien Enigma, Aliens and the Scalpel, ARG - Alien Research Group, Blueprint Comedown, Fire In the Sky, I Was Abducted, International Community for Alien Research
Alien Races
Alien Anomalies and UFO Mysteries, Alien Life on Earth, Alien Species On MAAR, Bizton, Don't Mention the Reptiles, Grey Aliens in America: AstroZoology 101, Interstellar Anthropology 101, StarFolk, The Ake - Beings of light, The Project At Earth
Ancient Astronauts
A Guide To Zecharia Sitchin's Theories, AAS-RA Meeting Point Page, Ancient Alien Visitors, Ancient Astronaut Theory Revisited, Ancient Astronautics, Ancient Astronauts, Ancient Civilizations and UFO's, Erich Von Daniken, Jason Martell's Research Network, Sumerians
Area 51
Hangar 18, Accuweather's X Forecast, Area 51, Area 51 Central, Area 51 Directory, Area 51 Information Network, Area 51 Microbiologist Ready to Talk, Area 51 Moving?, Area 51 Update, Area 51- The Dark Truth, Blue Fire
Biblical Perspectives
AlienResistance.org, Come Sail Away: UFO Phenomenon and The Bible, Echoes of Enoch, Ezekiel, UFOs and Catastrophism, God Against Us, KoReY UFO Literature, The Bible UFO Connection, The UFO - Jesus Connection, UFOs in the Old Testament, UFOs, Aliens, & Abductions
Roswell, Alien Autopsy, Alien Conspiracy, Alien Nanotechnology, Aliens & Antichrist, Aliens - We Are Coming!, Aliens: the Truth, An Occupied America: The Hunting and Extermination, Area - X.co.uk - Conspiracy World, BoBlazar, Condon Report
Alien Observer, Alien Press Links, National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenom, Project-UFO Database & Search, Sitchin Links, UFO Links, UFO Skeptic's Toolkit, UFO's and the Paranormal, UFOs, UFOs and Extraterrestrials
News and Media
Alien Hunter, Aliens UFOs Free Videos, Aliens111 Stargate, Betty Hill Video, Breaking The Silence Of UFOs, Claude's Commentary, Exopolitics, Fate Magazine, Globe In Transit, Jeff Rense - Sightings
Australia, Canada, MUFON, United Kingdom, United States, Adamski Foundation, Anomaly Research Center, Archives for UFO Research Foundation (AFU), Center for UFO Studies, Friendly Alien Contact, International Center for Abduction Research, International Community for Alien Research, IUFOPRA, National Coordination Committee for Study and Re, National Institute for Discovery Science
Corso, Philip, Firmage, Joe, Hoagland, Richard, Lazar, Bob, Von Daniken, Erich, Bird Manna, Blue Fire, Boscowich, Roger, Franch, Dante, Lear, John, Tannlund, Chris
Personal Pages
Alien Astronomer, Aliens, Aliens Among Us, Aliens and UFOs, Aliens' Arrival, Anomic Lurch by BlebNet, Azguard, Best UFO Photo Ever, Beyond Belief, CohenUFO.org
Alien and Ufo Pictures, Analysis of a UFO Photograph, BB Media, Black Vault Archive of UFO Photographs, First Genuine Alien Photos, New Hampshire UFO Hunter, PlanetStooge, UFO Artwork, UFO Photo Archives, Uforth
Reports and Sightings
*U* UFO Database, Alien51, Arizona UFO, Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs, Kecksburg PA UFO Incident, Massachusetts UFO Resources, Michigan UFO Sightings, Project Hessdalen, Rogue Sighting - July 6 , 2003, Siriusufo Space Sciences Research Center
Alien Enigma
Offers exchange between people who have UFO experience. Includes, how to tell if you are an abductee, personal accounts, pictures and links.
See UFO photographs and find information on Area 51, Roswell, crop circles, alien abductions and conspiracy theories.
UK UFO resource running petition to uncover facts regarding UFO's and alien visitation.
Aliens and UFOs Among Us
Reasons why alien visitations are thought to exist, from ancient history to the present.
Offers news on UFOs and space, MP3 music, intergalactic downloads, e-mail, chat, and Web search.
Amateur Radio Unidentified Flying Object Net
Offers information and links on ufos and ham radio.
Destination: Space
An active exploration of astronomical & aeronautical advances, the ongoing intrigue behind the UFO enigma and a view towards the reality behind science fiction.
Ecliptic Levels
Mass index of Top Secret government files from aliens to UFOs and ebe's hauntings and anything paranormal. Lots of Flash 5 and interaction. Mindless games for fun.
First Encounter
Ancient and modern encounters with extraterrestrials.
General Protocol (for) Human/Alien Contact
This is a general, formalized protocol containing: vital assessments for all future Human/Alien encounters. Printed manual version available.
HowStuffWorks: How Aliens Might Work
Illustrated article examines astrobiology, the scientific search for extraterrestrial life.
Interseti (formerly Euroseti) can now publish the complete set of UFO images taken from the SOHO Satellite,
Moon Fossil
Evidence of fossil life on moon. Invertebrate fossil discovered by Apollo 17 astronauts.
Path to the Source
The purpose of this site is to present extra-terrestrial contact experiences, e.t. philosophy, missing time and para-normal experiences.
Presidents UFO Website
A historic review of the handling of the UFO problem by the past United States Presidents.
South Africa's UFO Resource
Collection of information related to UFO`s, for example: top secret files, implicated officials, downed and/or recovered craft, military and government involvement, specifically in South Africa
The Black Vault
Large UFO site, with features including scanned pages of official government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, court documents, information on viewing UFO's, and a discussion board.
The Other Sky
A wide variety of UFO topics are covered, including literary and artistic.
The Project At Earth
Learn about the true nature of universal life, including our own. The Project At Earth is the organization of all of Earth's Visiting Life.
The South Australian UFO Mystery Site
Detailed examination with very large pictures of a UFO and its probe, sighted early one morning in South Australia.
The Superluminal Movement and Natural Mysteries
Tachyon has strange specialties, interacts scarcely with ordinary matter, but plays important part in life phenomena. Dark matter and the essence of matter and fields is also discussed.
The UFO Page
A rational look at UFOlogy. The ongoing TUFOP Abduction survey is a multi-year survey trying to identify commonalities within the aline abduction experience.
The UFO that Crashed in Wales
An account of the UFO that allegedly crashed into the Berwyn Mountains in Wales in 1974.
The W-Files
Documents UFO sightings and abductions in the state of Wisconsin. Also covers a variety of other paranormal incidents.
UFO Area
Offers information about UFOs, ancient astronauts, crashes and sightings, flying triangles, and Puerto Rico.
UFO Documents Index
National Security Agency released UFO documents in PDF format..
UFO Emporium
Contains information and news on the UFO Phenomenon, with main features, updated news and links, message forum, and famous quotes.
UFO Evidence
In-depth, quality and scientific research on the UFO phenomenon.
UFO Info
Provides information regarding UFOs, Aliens and the Conspiracy theory.
UFO Physics
UFO's using electromagnetic gravity manipulation, electrogravitic UFO craft - in diagrammatic how-they-work detail.
UFO Resource Center
UFO research community with open forum to report a UFO, study UFO case reports of extraterrestrial contact and military cover-ups. Membership grants access to their restricted files.
UFO Skeptic
An information site on the UFO phenomenon by and for professional scientists.
UFO Software Research Project.
This software leads the user from the beginnings of UFO research up to the present day events including UFO's all important role in the United Nations and the New World Order.
UFO's Evidence?
UFO, Cydonia, opinion & link page for the serious researcher.
Features alien conversations with a weekly Q&A forum, submitted paranormal stories, author Heidi Hollis, UFO2U group, and a unique alien gallery.
Providing information regarding a wide range of UFO topics, an assortment of bulletins, links to organisations, magazines and a site search engine.
Ufology UK
Latest news, theories, articles, community, games, documents, history, and news.
UFOLOGY: An Informative Approach
History of UFO encounters, aliens on Earth, Roswell crash. In-depth articles on UFO personalities and abductees.
UFOs & Transformation
UFOs have always been an enigma with multifaceted explanations and interpretations. If one has mild interest in the subject and is conversing with someone about it, that someone usually asks bewilderedly,
UFOs and the National Security State
An Unclassified History. Volume One, 1941 to 1973. This is a thorough historical analysis of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon.
UFOs: State of the Evidence 2000
On-line article concerning the present juncture of the ufology v. Hard-science conflict of the last 50+ years.
Varginha ET Case - The Whole Story
Detailed information about the Varginha UFO incident.