Apocalypse and Millennium: Prophecy and Conspiracy
Millennium expectations for transformation, alien revelation, apocalyptic changes, omens and signs in the heavens, comets and asteroids, and Nostradamus and Bible prophecy.
Can Natural Disasters Be Avoided?
This article offers a counter to the present fears of natural disasters as well as the fears and predictions associated with the August 1999 solar eclipse. Channeled article which presents an alternate perspective of our reality.
Crystalinks Metaphysical and Science Page
A site worth to take a look, contains good info on various themes, also the prophecies section contains many categories to consult. Also predictions for 1999 from various sources.
Prophecies on the End of the Millennium
Page of prophecies with predictions for 1999-2000, including earth changes and various famous prophets (Nostradamus, Alois Irlmaier); translations not generally found in English.
Readers predictions for 2003
Predictions from readers across the net for 2003. Lots of interesting and diverse information. Add your predictions and win a free life reading.
World Predictions for the Year 2002-The Future of
World Predictions for 2002 country wise according to Vedic Astrology.