Information about Michel De Notredame. Also, the complete "Centuries."
Chaos in Russia
Explores the possibility that Russian President Putin could be the Antichrist of the Book of Revelation's prophecies, who is also the Third Antichrist of the Prophecies of Nostradamus.
Did Nostradamus Predict the 9/11 World Trade Cente
Debunks alleged Nostradamus quatrains that seem to prophesy the terrorist attacks in 2001.
Did Nostradamus Predict the Bombing of the Twin To
Looks at the sixteenth-century astrologer's supposed prophecy.
Golgotha The Place of the Skull
The real message of Nostradamus using the foundation upon which his prophecies stand. Discover the true purpose of the 'Cite Neufue' (New City) quatrains and who Nostradamus regarded as antichrist.
History Lists: Nostradamus
Features charts and interpretations of his most well known predictions.
How Nostradamus Works
A look at who he was and what he predicted. Also, the ongoing controversy surrounding his supposed prediction of the September 11 attack.
International Center for Nostradamian Studies
Interpretations of Nostradamus's quatrains, and books available from the Center.
Life and Prophecies of Nostradamus
Offers biographical information, quatrains, and some interpretations.
Message for King Henry II
A letter to the final Holy Roman Emperor, who's name means help from God. This is relevant to historical and prophetic studies of the "Epistle to Henry II" by Nostradamus.
Nostradamus 500
Site to mark the 500th anniversary of the birth of Nostradamus, including events, information on books by Peter Lemesurier, and various FAQs.
Nostradamus ? Time Travel and Prophecies
Looks at the possibility that the work of Nostradamus could be the result of a future time travel experiment.
Nostradamus and His Complete Prophecies
Various quatrains and general information.
Nostradamus and The Centuries
The prophecies of Nostradamus and his book The Centuries.
Nostradamus and the King of Terror
Nostradamus and his prediction about the King of Terror in 1999. Complete text of Nostradamus' "Centuries". (2000 Updated)
Nostradamus and the New Prophecy Almanacs
With the aid of Nostradamus and the author's new system of numerology, discover what is in store for the world during the next 13 years.
Nostradamus Fulfilled!
New translations and interpretations of the prophecies, by Sirianus.
Nostradamus Org
Translations of Nostradamus, resource for writings, chat and bbs.
Nostradamus Prediction Hoaxes
Listing of hoaxes and chain letter on New York WTC terrorist attack, Village Idiot, Gulf War and Princess Diana.
Nostradamus Prophecies: Computer Analyses
Codes used by Nostradamus, a look at his prophecies in relation to the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, a false quatrain that has been circulating, interpretations pertinent to a coming war.
Nostradamus Quatrains
All the quatrains in both French and English.
Nostradamus Repository
Site about Nostradamus' life and prophecies. Sites includes a quatrain search engine for French and English.
Nostradamus World War III 2002
Explains Nostradamus' prophecies of a third world war that starts in 2002, with links to other sites and books about prophecies of WWIII.
Nostradamus' prophecy for 1999: finally the t
Nostradamus' prophecy came completely true: the final explanation of the quatrain word by word!
Nostradamus, astrology and the Bible
Book and lecture about latest results of investigating the predictions of Nostradamus. Recommended for those who have knowledge of astrology and the Bible.
Nostradamus: How Real Is He?
Short introduction to his prophecies.
Nostradamus: Predictions for the Past, Present and
An article intended to provide a neutral explanation of his life and writings. Written in 1993 by Will McWhorter.
Nostradamus: Prophecies of Our Century
Interpretations of Nostradamus and of other Catholic prophecies reveal that World War III will happen soon.
Nostradamus: The Cosmic Saga
Keys to correct interpretation. Special focus on his prophecies in relation to World War II. Figures and events in world history. Study of the Great Monarch.
Notradamus the Great Predictor
Includes an autobiography, news and gossip, predictions, short stories as well as letters to his son.
Prophecies of Nostradamus (Qabbala 1555 Decryption
Comments many authors that wrote about Nostradamus Prophecies: Boscolo, Frontenac, Ionescu. It concludes that good proceeding is Kabbala 1555 discovered by author Cesare Ramotti. Are found names: Nixon, Berlusconi.
Prophecies of World War-III by Nostradamus and oth
A site concerned with the prophecies on the impending WW-III made by Nostradamus and interpreted in the light of other prophecies. The sequence of events leading to WW-III, e-book containing the complete prophecies of Nostradamus and a messageboard are the other notable features.
Prophetic Perspectives on the Millennium
John Hogue, author, mystic, on Nostradamus and the prophetic traditions of the world, offers a new millennium perspective.
Sacred-Texts: Nostradamus
Complete text in French and several English translations of the prophecies of Nostradamus, cross-linked and collated.
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow: Nostradamus
Reference about his quatrains, biography, and links.
The Prophecies of Nostradamus
Information on relation to current events; also, text file of Centuries.
The Prophecies of Nostradamus
Offers an interpretation of the prophecies of Nostradamus and others, which apparently speak of a future global War, maybe World War III . A step-by-step sequence of events has been given.
The Works of Nostradamus
The collected works, commentary, bulletin board and bibliography.
Time and Nostradamus
Interpretations of original prophecies, focusing on the millennium and the 20th century, including the solar eclipse, the Olympic Games, and the American presidential election.
Selected prophecies of Nostradamus, his life, and a search engine to use while researching the "Centuries."