Ghost Hunters of St. Louis, Transcendental Society
Learn about hauntings, follow G.H.O.S.T.S.'s investigations, review pictures. Offers contact address for help or information.
Ghosts and Haunts in Missouri
Paranormal research and investigations. Free investigations for St. Louis area residences. Investigation results pages with photos. Database of haunted locations with maps open to the public.
MidNite Walkers Ghost Hunters
Ghost hunting group dedicated to helping others who are experiencing a haunting to understand what they are going through.
Missouri Ghost Hunters Society
Join the online and local societies. Free message board, and ghost photographs.
Missouri Paranormal Investigators
Offers details about the group, applying for membership, and protocols.
Northeast Missouri Ghosthunters Online provide a list of hauntings in the state, with brief information on each.
Paranormal Activity Investigators
Detailed reports on previous investigations are available; there is also a large collection of picture, audio and video evidence as collected by this group. A section containing ghost stories is included.
The D.A.R.K.
Anomalies and paranormal research. Ghost Photos. Located in Missouri.
TriPAR Paranormal Activity Research
Research group from the Midwest finding scientific evidence of the existence of ghosts. Scientific testing, theories, investigation reports, pictures and videos can be found on this site.