Central Illinois Ghost Hunters Society
Based in the Central Illinois area. Photos, links, and audio/video recordings.
Chicagoland Ghost Club
Provides photographs, EVPs, stories, and a list of haunted locations in the Chicago area.
Crawford County Illinois Ghosthunters Society
Contains ghost photos collected on investigations they have conducted. It also contains information on ghosthunting.
EISPR -Eastern Illinois Society for Paranormal Res
Dedicated to the research and investigation of ghosts and hauntings.
Ghost Research Society
Formed as a clearing house for reports of ghosts, hauntings, poltergeist and life after death encounters. The society members actively research and investigate all reports that come their way including private homes and businesses.
Searchers for Paranormal Activity
Paranormal investigators from Illinois. Our theories lie mainly on physics. See ghost photos, documented investigations.
The Ghost Hunter's Society
An independent research team dedicated to scientifically investigating and documenting paranormal phenomenon such as hauntings, poltergeists, apparitions, ghost lights, E.V.P (electronic voice phenomenon) and other claims of the paranormal.