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Georgia Haunt Hunt Team
Site features ghost photographs and listing of haunted Georgia locations.
Georgia Paranormal Research Center Inc.
They investigate and research the spiritual paranormal. Also provides Certification Courses for the Paranormal Investigator.
Georgia Paranormal Research Team
Photo gallery, suggested reading materials, case reports, and list of do's and don'ts when conducting investigations.
Ghost Hounds
Based out of Atlanta, site includes photos, reports from investigations, FAQ, and online press kit.
Documents strange true events with photographic evidence. Site includes visitor submitted pictures and written accounts of paranormal occurrences.
Northwest Georgia Paranormal Investigation Team
Paranormal investigations and their findings. Also a contact forum to request investigations.
The Foundation for Paranormal Research
Features current investigations, reports from the Board of Directors, and membership information.
The Georgia Ghost Society
A non-profit organization that is dedicated to ghost research and investigating claims of paranormal phenomena associated with supernatural and preternatural hauntings.