Sigma Chi - Albion College - Alpha Pi Chapter
Located in Albion, Michigan. Includes history, news, rush information, brothers/alumni list, pictures, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Alma College - Theta Nu Chapter
Located in Alma, Michigan. Includes a brothers list, recruitment information, and a calendar of events.
Sigma Chi - Arizona State University - Epsilon Ups
Located in Tempe, Arizona. Includes history, a photo gallery, standards, rush information, and a list of significant Sigma Chis.
Sigma Chi - Arkansas State University - Theta Chi
Located in Newport, Arkansas. Includes news, photos, history, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Arkansas, University of - Omega Omega
Located in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Includes a brothers list, history, resources, photos, and rush information.
Sigma Chi - Auburn University - Gamma Sigma Chapte
Located in Auburn, Alabama. Includes a social schedule, pictures, rush information, and an email address.
Sigma Chi - Ball State University - Epsilon Omega
Located in Muncie, Indiana. Includes an alumni directory, brothers list, events calendar, history, literature, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Beloit College - Alpha Zeta Chapter
Located in Beloit, Wisconsin. Includes literature, brothers list with photos, alumni email addresses, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Birmingham Southern College - Chi Chi
Located in Birmingham Alabama. Calendar, alumni information, members, officers, housing information.
Sigma Chi - Birmingham-Southern College - Chi Chi
Located in Greesboro, Alabama. Includes information for rushees, brothers, alumni, and any other curious individual.
Sigma Chi - Bishop University - Iota Rho Chapter
Located in Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada. Includes history, rush information, events, active/alumni photos, and an actives list.
Sigma Chi - Bowling Green State University - Delta
Located in Bowling Green, Ohio. Includes history, ideals, calendar of events, alumni information, rush information, and contacts.
Sigma Chi - Bradley University - Delta Rho Chapter
Located in Peoria, Illinois. Includes members, chapter information, rush information, photos, events list, and famous Sigs.
Sigma Chi - British Columbia, University of - Delt
Located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. For students at UBC and SFU. Brothers, news, calendar, philanthropy, pictures, rush information, links.
Sigma Chi - Brown University - Beta Nu Chapter
Located in Providence, Rhode Island. Includes a brothers list, events, photos, and a news forum.
Sigma Chi - Bucknell University - Kappa Chapter
Located in Lewsiburg, Pennsylvania. Includes a brothers list, history, pictures, alumni information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Butler University - Rho Chapter
Located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Includes a brothers list, rush information, history, Sig writings, pictures, news, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - California at Berkeley, University of
Located in Berkeley, California. News and information, history, alumni relations, and rush information.
Sigma Chi - California at Davis, University of - T
Philanthropy, rush, brothers, pledges, links.
Sigma Chi - California at San Diego, University of
Located in San Diego, California. Includes news, history, rush information, alumni information, an officers list, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - California State University at Chico -
Located in Chico, California. Includes a rush schedule.
Sigma Chi - California State University at Long Be
Located in Long Beach, California. Includes calendar of events, rush information, photo gallery, and history.
Sigma Chi - California State University at Sacrame
Located Sacramento, California. Includes rush information, alumni list, founders, significant Sigs, and objectives.
Sigma Chi - California State University, Fresno -
Located in Fresno, California. Includes news, officers, history, pictures, and general information.
Sigma Chi - Case Western Reserve University - Beta
Located in Cleveland, Ohio. Includes an actives/alumni list, calendar of events, history, photos, rush information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Central Michigan University - Zeta Rho
Located in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Includes news, photos, and an active phone list.
Sigma Chi - Centre College - Zeta Zeta Chapter
Located in Danville, Kentucky. Includes history, news, actives and officers list, pictures, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Clarkson University - Iota Zeta Chapte
Located in Potsdam, New York. Includes history, a brothers list, rush information, alumni information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Columbia University - Nu Nu Chapter
Located in New York, New York. Includes officers list, news, brothers, heritage, events, and a photos.
Sigma Chi - Delaware, University of - Kappa Epsilo
Located in Newark, Deleware. Includes a brothers list, recruitment information, photos, news, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Denver, University of - Delta Iota Cha
Located in Denver, Colorado. Includes an officer list, e-mail and telephone directories, and alumni newsletter archive.
Sigma Chi - Dickinson College - Omicron Chapter
Located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Includes active/alumni list, history, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Drake University - Theta Gamma Chapter
Located in Des Moines, Iowa. Includes rush information, chatper/active/alumni information, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Duke University - Beta Lambda Chapter
Located in Durham, North Carolina. Includes a brothers list and photos.
Sigma Chi - East Tennessee State University - Zeta
Located in Johnson City, Tennessee. Includes brother services, an "alumni connection" feature, and rush information.
Sigma Chi - Eastern Kentucky University - Eta Alph
For alumni, family, friends, and members to get current information. Contains pictures, history, news.
Sigma Chi - Eastern Kentucky University - Eta Alph
Located in Richmond, Kentucky. Includes news, rush information, information, members list, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Eastern New Mexico University - Zeta S
Located in Portales, New Mexico. Includes brothers list, alumni emails, chapter history, photos, links, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Elon University - Theta Omega Chapter
Located in Elon, North Carolina. Includes an interactive message board.
Sigma Chi - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University -
Located in Daytona Beach, Florida. Includes news, member directory, fund raising projects, pictures, and a guest book.
Sigma Chi - Fairleigh Dickinson University - Iota
Located in Madison, New Jersey. Includes fraternity and chapter history, rush information, philanthropy information, brothers list, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - George Washington University - Epsilon
Located in Washington, DC.
Sigma Chi - Georgia Institute of Technology - Beta
Located in Atlanta, Georgia. Includes general fraternity information, events, rush information, images, links, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Georgia, University of - Delta Chapter
Located in Athens, Georgia. Includes news, events, information on Mother's Club, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Hanover College - Chi Chapter
Located in Hanover, Indiana. Includes news, brothers list, alumni information, rush information, history, and pictures.
Sigma Chi - Harvard University - Kappa Eta Chapter
Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Sigma Chi - Hillsdale College - Alpha Kappa Chapte
Located in Hillsdale, Michigan. Includes news, alumni information, rush information, officers list, events, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Hobart College - Alpha Alpha Chapter
Located in Geneva, New York. Includes general fraternity information, a current brother's list, literature, alumni page, and pictures.
Sigma Chi - Idaho, University of - Gamma Eta Chapt
Located in Moscow, Idaho. Includes general fraternity information, pictures, activities, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Illinois Wesleyan University - Alpha I
Located in Bloomington, Illinois. Includes a brothers list, alumni page, rush information, events calendar, history, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Illinois, University of - Kappa Kappa
Located in Champaign, Illinois. Includes fraternity and chapter history, calendar and programs, brothers list, rush information, pictures, alumni information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Indiana State University - Theta Pi Ch
Located in Terre Haute, Indiana. Includes history, rush information, active/alumni list, pictures, guest book, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Indiana University - Lambda Chapter
Located in Bloomington, Indiana. Includes general fraternity information, "meet the brothers" list, rush information, and an email address.
Sigma Chi - Iowa, University of - Alpha Eta Chapte
Located in Iowa City, Iowa. Includes an events calendar, member directory, and rush information.
Sigma Chi - Jacksonville University - Iota Gamma C
Located in Jacksonville, Florida. Includes fraternity and chapter history, rush information, photos, brothers list, ideals, famous Sigs, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Kansas, University of - Alpha Xi Chapt
Located in Lawrence, Kansas. Includes rush information, pictures, alumni information, guestbook, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Kent State University - Zeta Lambda Ch
Located in Kent, Ohio. Includes rush information, a brothers list, chapter events, fraternity and chapter history, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Kettering University - Zeta Theta Chap
Located in Flint, Michigan. Includes rush information, photos, history, events, a members list, and guestbook.
Sigma Chi - Lehigh University - Alpha Rho Chapter
Located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Includes a brother list, rush information, photos, fraternity information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Louisiana State University - Gamma Iot
Located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Includes history, social information, scholarship information, pledgeship requirements, links, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Louisville, University of - Iota Lambd
Located in Louisville, Kentucky. Includes a brothers list, rush information, awards, pictures, and a guestbook.
Sigma Chi - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Includes general fraternity information, a brothers list, rush information, and news.
Sigma Chi - McGill University - Gamma Lambda Chapt
Located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Includes an actives list, photos, links, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Memphis, University of - Epsilon Kapp
Located in Memphis, Tennessee. Includes events, a brothers list, history, resources, and a photo gallery.
Sigma Chi - Michigan State University - Gamma Psi
Located in East Lansing, Michigan. Includes member directory, rush information, photo gallery, alumni information, events calendar, newsletters, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Michigan, University of - Theta Theta
Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Includes chapter news, history, and an email address.
Sigma Chi - Middle Tennessee State University - Et
Located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Includes chapter information, brothers/pledge list, rush information, photos, and a guest book.
Sigma Chi - Mississippi State University - Gamma U
Located in Starkesville, Mississippi. Includes a members list, photos, links, and alumni information.
Sigma Chi - Mississippi, University of - Eta Chapt
Located in Oxford, Mississippi. Includes contact information, a guest list, a members list, and general fraternity information.
Sigma Chi - Missouri, University of - Theta Eta Ch
Located in Rolla, Missouri. Includes a members list, fraternity information, rush information, and a calendar of events.
Sigma Chi - Montana State University - Beta Rho Ch
Located in Bozeman, Montana. Includes chapter activities, news, special events, history, officers, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Montana, University of - Beta Delta Ch
Located in Missoula, Montana. Includes a slide show, brothers list, rush information, contact information, and a guest book.
Sigma Chi - Murray State University - Epsilon Tau
Located in Murray, Kentucky. Includes news and events, membership information, pictures, screen savers, and a guestbook.
Sigma Chi - Nebraska, University of - Alpha Epsilo
Located in Lincoln, Nebraska. Includes chapter news as well as alumni news,chapter history, rush information, alumni information, fraternity information, event information, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Nevada Las Vegas, University of - Zeta
Located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Includes news, chapter information, actives list, rush information, events, pictures, links, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - North Alabama, University of - Eta Rho
Located in Florence, Alabama. Includes pictures, history, brothers list, chapter history, rush information, alumni information, awards, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - North Carolina State University - Delt
Located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Includes fraternity information, a brothers list, alumni information, photos, guest book, and rush information.
Sigma Chi - North Florida, University of - Kappa B
Located in Jacksonville, Florida. Includes fraternity information, rush information, news, a brothers list, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - North Georgia College and State Univer
Located in Dahlonega, Georgia. Includes fraternity information, photos, news and events, an active brothers list, and a guest book.
Sigma Chi - North Texas, University of - Iota Phi
Information on rush for the chapter.
Sigma Chi - North Texas, University of - Iota Phi
Located in Denton, Texas. Includes recruitment, social, alumni and fraternity information, chapter history, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Northern Arizona University - Zeta Omi
Located in Flagstaff, Arizona. Includes chapter news, social functions, a brothers list, and photos.
Sigma Chi - Ohio State University - Alpha Gamma Ch
Located in Columbus, Ohio. Includes history, rush information, active roster, events, news, photos, messageboard, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Ohio Wesleyan University - Gamma Chapt
Located in Delaware, Ohio. Includes chapter news, rush information, history, calendar of events, brothers list, literature, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Oklahoma State University - Gamma Delt
Located in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Includes a brothers list, photos, rush information, alumni information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Oregon State University - Beta Pi Chap
Located in Corvallis, Oregon. Includes rush information, brothers/alumni list, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Oregon, University of - Beta Iota
Located in Eugene, Oregon. Includes news, actives list, fraternity and chapter history, rush information, history, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Pepperdine University - Kappa Omicron
Located in Malibu, California. Includes rush events, members, alumni information.
Sigma Chi - Pittsburgh, University of - Beta Theta
Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Includes news, history, rush, pictures, events, members, and an events calendar.
Sigma Chi - Radford University - Kappa Zeta Chapte
Located in Radford, Virginia. Includes rush information, events, members list, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Del
Located in Troy, New York. Includes active/alumni list, contact information, calendar of events, and rush information.
Sigma Chi - Roanoke College - Tau Chapter
Located in Salem, Virginia. Includes a brothers list, newsletter, photos, alumni information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Rutgers University - Iota Psi Chapter
Located in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Includes rush information, alumni/active/pledge information, history, pictures, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Saint Louis University - Theta Iota Ch
Located in St. Louis, Missouri. Includes a brothers list, photos, events list, history, ideals and objectives, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Sam Houston State University - Epsilon
Located in Huntsville, Texas. Includes history-pre-national Caballero years, member rolls, Big Brother genealogy, member location, news, dedication to late members, and significant members.
Sigma Chi - Samford University - Pi Chapter
Located in Birmingham, Alabama. Includes history, a brothers list, rush information, news and events, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - San Diego State University - Delta Xi
Located in San Diego, California. Includes news, events, calendar, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - San Diego, University of - Theta Lamda
Located in San Diego, California. Includes an active brother and alumni.
Sigma Chi - San Jose State University - Epsilon Th
Located in San Jose, California. Includes history, news, photos, an alumni section, songs, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - South Alabama, University of - Eta Eps
Located in Mobile, Alabama. Includes a brothers list, pictures, events, rush information, history, guestbook, and an alumni directory.
Sigma Chi - South Florida, University of - Theta B
Located in Tampa, Florida. Includes information for actives, alumni, and potential rushees, photos, history, and updated news.
Sigma Chi - Southeast Missouri State University -
Located in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Includes history, an events list, brother's resources, alumni information, slide shows, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Southern California, University of - A
Located in Los Angeles, California. Includes news, rush information, history, pictures, an alumni network, calendar, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Southern Methodist University - Delta
Located in Dallas, Texas. Includes chapter news, a brothers list, chapter history, and alumni information.
Sigma Chi - Southern Mississippi, University of -
Located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Includes rush information, photos, news, history, ideals and objectives, and member and alumni email addresses.
Sigma Chi - Southern Utah University - Kappa Iota
Located in Cedar City, Utah. Includes rush information, members list, beliefs, events list, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Southwest Missouri State University -
Located in Springfield, Missouri. Includes fraternity information, news, events, members list, rush information, alumni information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Spring Hill College - Theta Mu Chapter
Located in Mobile, Alabama. Includes news, a brothers/alumni list, pictures, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - SUNY Albany - Iota Delta Chapter
Located in Albany, New York. Includes a brothers list, newsletters, news and events, pictures, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Tennessee at Chattanooga, University o
Located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Includes a brothers/pledge list, alumni information, fraternity and chapter history, photos, events, pledge class search, new house information, and a guest book.
Sigma Chi - Tennessee Technological University -
Located in Cookeville, Tennessee. Includes a brothers list, chapter history, sweetheart picture, calendar of events, rush information, literature, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Texas A&M University at Kingsville
Located in Kingsville, Texas. Includes fraternity and chapter history, brothers list, photos, calendar of events, rush information, and a guest book.
Sigma Chi - Texas at Arlington, University of - Th
Located in Arlington, Texas. Includes a brothers list, recruitment information, photos, history, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Toronto Ryerson, University of - Beta
located in Includes news, an events calendar,recruitment information, photos, philantrophy information, videos, and a list of famous Sigs.
Sigma Chi - Toronto, University of / Ryerson Polyt
Located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Includes fraternity information, events, alumni, membership information.
Sigma Chi - Tulane University - Alpha Omicron Chap
Located in New Orleans, Louisiana. Includes chapter news, a brothers list, events, history, rush information, pictures, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Utah State University - Gamma Kappa
Located in Logan, Utah. Includes history, ideals, chapter news, alumni information, pictures, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Utah, University of - Beta Epsilon Cha
Located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Includes news, contact information, general fraternity information, philanthropy information, and links.
Sigma Chi - Valparaiso University - Iota Sigma Cha
Located in Valparaiso, Indiana. Includes news, fraternity information, an alumni web board, history, rush information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Vanderbilt University - Alpha Psi Chap
Located in Nashville, Tennessee. Includes news, alumni information, brothers/pledege list, rush information, picutures, derby days information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Virginia Tech University - Eta Lamdba
Located in Blacksburg, Virginia. Includes a brothers list, alumni information, fraternity resources, calendar of events, rush information, fraternity and chapter history, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Virginia, University of - Psi Chapter
Located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Includes chapter information, a brothers list, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Washington State University - Beta Ups
Located in Pullman, Washington. Includes history, officers, sweetheart photo, members photo, rush information, and alumni information.
Sigma Chi - Washington University - Tau Tau Chapte
Located in St. Louis, Missouri. Includes history, members list, pledge information, events, alumni information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Waterloo, University of - Theta Psi Ch
Located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Fraternity calendar, rush information, discussion group, and related information provided.
Sigma Chi - Western Ontario, University of - Epsil
Located in London, Ontario, Canada. Includes an events schedule, news, photos, alumni updates, and links.
Sigma Chi - Willamette University - Delta Zeta Cha
Located in Salem, Oregon. Includes rush information, members list, pictures, news, events, calendar, alumni information, guestbook, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Wyoming, University of - Gamma Xi Chap
Located in Laramie, Wyoming. Includes fraternity information, photos, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Yale University - Theta Upsilon Chapte
Located in New Haven, Connecticut. Includes news, brothers list, pledge information, history, pictures, alumni information, and contact information.
Sigma Chi - Youngstown State University - Eta Chi
Located in Youngstown, Ohio. Includes fraternity and chapter history, alumni information, objectives, and contact information.