english deutsch
Gamma Phi Beta - Alabama, University of - Epsilon
Located in Tuscaloosa, AL. History, Calendar, Recruitment, Scrapbook, Alumnae.
Gamma Phi Beta - Albertson College of Idaho - Zeta
Activities, Calendar, Pictures, History, News & Events, and Members.
Gamma Phi Beta - Alma College - Epsilon Beta Chapt
Alumnae resources, event calendar and pictures, history, member roster, and philanthropy information provided.
Gamma Phi Beta - Arizona State University - Beta K
National history, officer and member list, calendar of events, philanthropy overview, and recruitment information.
Gamma Phi Beta - Auburn University - Gamma Phi Cha
Located in Auburn AL. International, Info, Recruitment, Philanthropy, Scrapbook, Alumnae, and Sister Connection .
Gamma Phi Beta - Bentley College - Epsilon Phi Cha
Home, Sisters, Positions, Announcements, Symbols, Philanthropy, Poem, History, and Pictures.
Gamma Phi Beta - Bowling Green State University -
Our Past, Philanthropy, Recruitment, Active Members, New Members, News, and Pics.
Gamma Phi Beta - Bradley University - Beta Eta Cha
Located in Peoria, Illinois. Calendar, scholarship information, philanthropy, alumnae.
Gamma Phi Beta - Bridgewater State University - Ep
Home, Photo Album, Fun Facts, Officers, Philanthropy, History, Events, and Alumnae.
Gamma Phi Beta - British Columbia, University of -
Located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Photo galleries, sisterhood, social and sports information, member rosters, recruitment information, news and links.
Gamma Phi Beta - California (Berkeley), University
Includes rush information, description of social and philanthropic events, pictures, and history.
Gamma Phi Beta - California (Irvine), University o
In Irvine, CA. Contains general information, calendar, and photographs.
Gamma Phi Beta - California (Riverside), Universit
New, Calendar, Mission, Facts, History, Recruitment, Philanthropy, Officers, Photo Album, Sisters, Alumnae, and Parents.
Gamma Phi Beta - California (Santa Barbara), Unive
What's New, Members, Officers, Pictures, Recruitment, Social, Philanthropy, History Alumnae, and Parents.
Gamma Phi Beta - California (Santa Cruz), Universi
Located in Santa Cruz. History, information for new members, sisters, Greek vocabulary, pictures, links.
Gamma Phi Beta - California State University (Sacr
History, Recruitment, Philanthropy, Members, Calendar, and Photos.
Gamma Phi Beta - Christopher Newport University -
About Gamma Phi, Sisters, Recruitment, Photos, Officers, and CNU Greeks.
Gamma Phi Beta - Clemson University - Epsilon Thet
Home, Pictures, Recruitment, Activities, History, Philanthropy, Awards, Quick facts, Calendar, and Internationals.
Gamma Phi Beta - Coastal Carolina University - Zet
Chapter History, Sorority Facts, Sisters, Rush, Events, Pictures, Alumni, Guest book, Famous Gammas, and Nationals.
Gamma Phi Beta - Creighton University - Epsilon De
Scholarship, philanthropy, sisterhood, social events. Located in Omaha, Nebraska.
Gamma Phi Beta - Denver, University of - Theta Cha
Recruitment, photos, announcements, chapter news, sister information.
Gamma Phi Beta - Duquesne University - Zeta Epsilo
Home, About G Phi B, Sister Info, Virtual Scrapbook, and Rush Info.
Gamma Phi Beta - Florida Institute of Technology -
Recruitment video, photos, facts, calendar, links, sisterhood events. Located in Melbourne, FL.
Gamma Phi Beta - Georgia, University of - Delta Up
History, Sorority Symbols, Officers, Sisters, Recruitment Info, Philanthropy, Calender, Sisterhood, and Alumnae.
Gamma Phi Beta - Gettysburg College - Gamma Beta C
Gamma Beta Chapter is a strong supportive group of loyal sisters who are friendly, intelligent, and involved.
Gamma Phi Beta - Idaho, University of - Xi Chapter
Main, History, Scrapbook, House Tour, and Philanthropy.
Gamma Phi Beta - Illinois State University - Delta
Our History, Philanthropy & Community Service, Monthly Calendar, Current News, Alumni Members, Photo Gallery, Explore More of Gamma Phi Beta.
Gamma Phi Beta - Indiana University - Beta Phi Cha
Home, History, Sisters, Leadership, Philanthropy, Scholarship, Calendar, and Little 500.
Gamma Phi Beta - Iowa State University - Omega Cha
Sisters, history, events, news, philanthropy, alumnae.
Gamma Phi Beta - Iowa, University of - Rho Chapter
Members information, news, history, photo album.
Gamma Phi Beta - Kansas State University - Beta Up
Members, About Us, Pictures, Calendar, H.C. Board, News, Officers, and Alumnae.
Gamma Phi Beta - Kansas, University of - Sigma Cha
Chapter Members, Photo Album, House Tour, Executive Officers, History, and Alumnae.
Gamma Phi Beta - LaSalle University - Epsilon Alph
Home, Gamma Phi, History, The EA Chapter, How to Pledge, and We are Family.
Gamma Phi Beta - Lehigh University - Delta Kappa C
Philanthropy, History, Our House, Photo Album, Events, Recruitment, Officers, and Members.
Gamma Phi Beta - Loyola University - Epsilon Mu Ch
Located in New Orleans. Members, alumnae, recruitment, scrapbook, links.
Gamma Phi Beta - Miami University - Beta Epsilon C
Updates, Officer, Calender, New Members, Greek, Awards, Calendar, Messages from the President, Financial, Public Relations, Philanthropy, Recruitment, Sisterhood, Social Events, Photo Album, and Risk Management.
Gamma Phi Beta - Michigan State University - Beta
G Phi B chapter at MSU in East Lansing, MI.
Gamma Phi Beta - Michigan, University of - Beta Ch
Members, history, facts, pictures, calendar, philanthropy.
Gamma Phi Beta - Missouri (Columbia), University o
All About G-PHI, Calendar, Meet the Officers, Sisterhood, Scholarship, Philantrhopy & Service, Social, and Recruitmen
Gamma Phi Beta - Morehead State University - Epsil
Rush, Gamma Games, Gamma Phi USA, and Gamma Phi Sisterhood.
Gamma Phi Beta - Nebraska (Kearney), University of
Home, About Us, Recruitment, Events and Activities, Philanthropy, Scholarship, and Alumni News.
Gamma Phi Beta - Nebraska (Lincoln), University of
Sisterhood, Social, Philanthropy, Scholarship and Recruitmen
Gamma Phi Beta - North Carolina (Asheville), Unive
Home, Sisters, Facts, Philanthropy, Recruitment, and Pictures.
Gamma Phi Beta - North Dakota, University of - Alp
All about us and Philanthropy.
Gamma Phi Beta - Northern Arizona University - Bet
Chapter Information, New Member Program, Philanthropy, Academics, Sisterhood, and Campus Involvement.
Gamma Phi Beta - Northern Iowa, University of - Ga
History, Sisters, Pictures, Philanthropy, Recruitment, and Facts.
Gamma Phi Beta - Northwestern University - Epsilon
G Phi B's in Evanston, Illinois.
Gamma Phi Beta - Oakland University - Delta Omega
Inside Gamma Phi, Sisters, History, Recruitment, Scrapbook, Calendar, Gamma Good News, and New Members Experience.
Gamma Phi Beta - Oklahoma, University of - Psi Cha
Founded September 18, 1918 in Norman, OK.
Gamma Phi Beta - Oregon, University of - Nu Chapte
History, philanthropy, recruitment, scrapbook.
Gamma Phi Beta - Pennsylvania State University - A
Sister, calendar, recruitment, scrapbook, links.
Gamma Phi Beta - Purdue University - Delta Iota Ch
Home, History, Gamma Phi Beta Facts, Officers, Sisters, Philanthropy, Recruitment, and Pictures.
Gamma Phi Beta - Rochester, University of - Epsilo
Chapter New, The Sisterhood, Pictures, Why Gamma Phi and History.
Gamma Phi Beta - San Diego State University - Beta
History, Recruitment, Scholarship, Philanthropy, Alumnae, and Gallery.
Gamma Phi Beta - Sonoma State University - Zeta Ga
A Brief History, The Gamma Phi Beta Creed, and More on Gamma Phi.
Gamma Phi Beta - Southeast Missouri State Universi
Calendar, Photo Album, News, Alumnae, Philanthropy, Officers, History, and Sisters.
Gamma Phi Beta - Southern California, University o
Photo gallery, history and chapter facts, member and officer rosters, and activity information.
Gamma Phi Beta - Southern Indiana, University of -
About GPhiB, Local History, Membership Info, Exec Board, Meet the Sisters, Philanthropy, and Scrapbook.
Gamma Phi Beta - Southern Methodist University - A
About Our Chapter? House Tour? Sisters? Philanthropy? Social Pictures? Sisters? Pictures? Activities Pictures? Gamma Phis Are Everywhere? Gamma Phi Beta History? Gamma Phi Facts? Recruitment 2003? and Calendar.
Gamma Phi Beta - Southern Polytechnic State Univer
Information about sisterhood, philanthropy, rush, local and international history, and information about its members.
Gamma Phi Beta - St. Louis University - Gamma Tau
History, Members, Officers, Scholarship, Sisterhood, Photo Album, and Sister Spotlight.
Gamma Phi Beta - Syracuse University - Alpha Chapt
First chapter of G Phi B, established in 1874 in Syracuse, New York.
Gamma Phi Beta - Texas A&M University (Commerc
Info, Symbols, Philanthropy, Accomplished Alumnae, Members, Calendar, Achievements, Crescent Court, and Pictures.
Gamma Phi Beta - Texas A&M University (Corpus
Sisters, Scrapbook, Philanthropy, History, Founders, Quick Facts, and Recruitment.
Gamma Phi Beta - Toronto, University of - Alpha Al
The Alpha Alpha Chapter was founded at the University of Toronto in 1919. Info, Scrapbook, House tour, History, Calendar, and Guestbook.
Gamma Phi Beta - Valparaiso University - Zeta Iota
Alumni, new members, current events, history, member list, links.
Gamma Phi Beta - Virginia, University of - Zeta Be
History, Philanthropy, Sisterhood, For Sisters, and Alumnae.
Gamma Phi Beta - Washington State University - Bet
Sholarhip, Social, and Philanthropy.
Gamma Phi Beta - Wichita State University - Chi Ch
Includes Wichita State's sorority recruitment schedule, chapter photos, member list, history, and event calendar.
Gamma Phi Beta - William and Mary, College of - A
G Phi B chapter in Williamsburg, V
Gamma Phi Beta - Wisconsin (Madison), University o
The Gamma Chapter at UW-Madison was the third chapter of Gamma Phi Beta to be founded throughout the nation.
Gamma Phi Beta - Wisconsin (Milwaukee), University
History, International, Members, Officers, Pictures, Events, and Symbols.
Gamma Phi Beta - Wisconsin (Oshkosh), University o
Alumnae and active contacts, philanthropy, local history, and other information for this chapter at UWO in Oshkosh, WI.
Gamma Phi Beta - Wisconsin (Platteville), Universi
Setting the standard for excellence on the UW-Platteville campus since 1867. Home, Sisters, Recruitment, History, Alumnae, Pictures, Calendar, Guestbook, and International.
Gamma Phi Beta - Wittenberg University - Alpha Nu
Roll Call, Gamma Phi Officers, The History of Gamma Phi Beta, Calendar of Events, Gamma Phi, Quick Facts, Scholarship, Alumnae, Rush, Philanthropy, Greek Life at Witt, and Gamma Phi Photo Album.