english deutsch
Iota Phi Theta - Bethune-Cookman College - Beta Ch
National and chapter history, photos, artwork.
Iota Phi Theta - Central Missouri State University
Photos, history, sweethearts, events, current member list, links, notable members.
Iota Phi Theta - Chapman University - Colony
History, photos, chapter links.
Iota Phi Theta - Coppin State College - Psi Chapte
Chapter and national history, events, community service, photos.
Iota Phi Theta - Cornell University - Colony
Chapter and national history, sweethearts, membership information.
Iota Phi Theta - Delaware, University of - Beta La
National and chapter history, members, photos, service, links.
Iota Phi Theta - Fairleigh Dickinson University -
Chapter history, photo gallery, links.
Iota Phi Theta - Florida A&M University - Gamm
Brothers, events, links, chapter history, sweethearts.
Iota Phi Theta - Florida, University of - Gamma Om
History, brothers, news, awards, photo album, guestbook.
Iota Phi Theta - Francis Marion University - Colon
Located in Florence, SC.
Iota Phi Theta - Hampton University - Beta Chapter
National history, chapter history, pictures, sweethearts.
Iota Phi Theta - Hawaii, University of - Delta Mu
Pictures, history, community information, links.
Iota Phi Theta - Houston, University of - Colony
History, events, membership information, pictures, links.
Iota Phi Theta - Illinois, University of - Alpha L
In Urbana-Champaign. Highlights the chapter's history, accomplishments, upcoming events, and photos.
Iota Phi Theta - Indiana University - Gamma Delta
History, founders, events, membership, photo gallery, members.
Iota Phi Theta - Kentucky State University - Alpha
History, members, pictures, news, contact information.
Iota Phi Theta - Louisiana at Monroe, University o
Located in Monroe, LA.
Iota Phi Theta - Michigan, University of - Colony
Chapter and national history, brothers, membership, upcoming events, photo gallery.
Iota Phi Theta - Mississippi State University - Ga
Located in Starkville, MS.
Iota Phi Theta - Montclair State University - Gamm
Chapter history, pictures, service programs, links.
Iota Phi Theta - Morehead State University - Gamma
Chapter history, news, events, sweethearts, officers.
Iota Phi Theta - Morgan State University - Alpha C
Chapter history, brothers, events, photos, contact information.
Iota Phi Theta - Murray State University - Colony
Located in Murray, KY.
Iota Phi Theta - Norfolk State University - Delta
Lines, photos and contact information.
Iota Phi Theta - Ohio State University - Beta Mu C
Events, chapter history, founders, photo album.
Iota Phi Theta - Oklahoma, University of - Gamma K
History, chapter, pictures, guestbook.
Iota Phi Theta - Philadelphia, PA City-wide - Gamm
National and chapter history, sweethearts, photos, membership, profiles. Serving Drexel University, Temple University, Peirce College, University of Pennsylvania, Villanova University, Lasalle University and Saint Joseph's University.
Iota Phi Theta - Prairie View A&M University -
Chapter history, photos, guestbook.
Iota Phi Theta - Shaw University - Gamma Tau Chapt
Chapter and national history, intakes, brothers, links.
Iota Phi Theta - Southwest Missouri State Universi
History, famous members, links, lines, pictures, guestbook.
Iota Phi Theta - State University Of New York At A
History, events, photo album, links.
Iota Phi Theta - Stephen F. Austin State Universit
Chapter and national history, guestbook, membership information, scrapbook, links.
Iota Phi Theta - Tennessee State University - Delt
Chapter and national history, accomplishments, photo album, events, lines.
Iota Phi Theta - Virginia Commonwealth University
Chapter and national history, lines, brothers, sweethearts.
Iota Phi Theta - Virginia, University of - Delta L
Founded October 23, 1999, in Charlottesville, VA. Chapter history and achievements, current member roster, photos, and membership request form.
Iota Phi Theta - West Virginia University - Gamma
Established in the Spring of 1996. History, members, programs, awards.
Iota Phi Theta - Wisconsin at Parkside, University
Founded December 10, 1995. Chapter history, members, events, photo album.