Alpha Epsilon Phi - Adelphi University - Delta Cha
Scrapbook, activities, recruitment, history, philanthropy.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - American University - Epsilon
Sisters, links, photos, history, calendar.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Brooklyn College - Epsilon Bet
Sisterhood, recruitment, events, links.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Cleveland State University - P
Roster and photos of sisters, Phi Phacts and events, rush contacts, and guestbook.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Duke University - Alpha Epsilo
Founded in 1934 in Durham, North Carolina. Member information, calendar, recruitment news, facts.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Florida, University of - Alpha
Founded in 1948 in Gainesville, Florida. Sisters, alumnae, history, facts and links.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Hofstra University - Phi Upsil
Photo gallery, events, members, contact information.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Iowa, University of - Epsilon
Announcements, photos, contact information, links.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Long Island University - Epsil
C.W. Post Campus. Alumnae, new members, facts, photos.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Maryland, University of - Alph
History, philanthropy, photos, contact information.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Massachusetts Institute of Tec
Chartered November 4, 1995 at MIT in Cambridge, MA. Philanthropy, social events, activities calendar, rush information and links.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Temple University - Phi Theta
Sisters, upcoming events, links.