Avery Enterprises
Provides customized questions for middle-school, high-school and community college academic competitions and quiz bowls. Specializes in non-standard formats.
Champions Quiz Bowl Preparation
Quiz bowl materials including study aids, practice and tournament questions for high school and middle school levels.
Computer Products for Education
Maker of Quiz Pro line of buzzer/lock out systems
Academic gaming response systems with lockout, buzzer, score-keeping and NEXT RESPONSE features. Stand-alone and multi-player systems interconnect for maximum connectivity and fun.
Buzzer system equipment and software for academic competitions, quiz bowls, and other question-answer type events.
Kentucky Association for Academic Competition
Tournament-tested tossup questions from challenging and varied content areas--all grade levels.
Knowledge Master
Sells various packaged question sets from a library of over 100,000 questions, for middle school through high school education levels.
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC
Sells questions for both high school and university level play using their own unique format
Patrick's Press For the best in Quizbowl
Sells quiz books, competition questions, buzzer systems, and weekly publications that include current events of the week.
Specialty Design Corporation
Manufacturer of scholastic competition equipment
SVBZ Portable Quiz Buzzers
Quiz buzzers for academic competitions, business events, family fun, classroom excitement.
The Question Connection
Tournament questions and study materials for high school level play
The Question Well Company
Sells practice and competition packs for various high school formats.
Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl
Specialising in providing computer based quizbowl exams at the elementary and middle school level.
Triple Q Questions
Supplier of questions for all levels from elementary to collegiate and sells the Sho-Me Smart Light.
Seller of quizbowl equipment and accessories including lockout systems, and score keepers