Baylor University Debate Workshops
2-week research-oriented institute in Texas. Offers Policy, Ted Turner, Teacher's Workshop and Lincoln-Douglas.
Big Sky Debate Institute
Online debate site hosting a one-week debate camp at Carroll College in Helena, Montana.
Bradley University Summer Forensic Institute
Two week institute with individual coaching and training in Illinois.
California National Debate Institute
2-week summer forensics program offered at University of California, Berkeley.
Cameron University Speech-Debate Camp
Offers two-sessions and five divisions of LD and Policy debate in Oklahoma.
Capitol Classic Debate Institute
Three week programs tailored towards all levels and four-week intensive workshops for advanced debaters, offered in Washington DC.
Cedarville Debate Institute
Trains high schoolers for interscholastic debate competition and for living in harmony within a Christian environment.
Concordia Debate Institute
Focused 3-week camp in Minnesota
Dartmouth Debate Institute
Contains information and application forms for the Dartmouth Juniors, Senior Assistants and Coaches workshops.
Emory National Debate Institute
Offers policy debate summer programs in Atlanta, Georgia.
Gonzaga Debate Institute
Offers different types and lengths of policy debate programs during the summer.
Iowa Debate Institute
Designed for first and second year debaters. Hosted at the University of Iowa.
Kentucky National Debate Institutes
Contains information about the different debate workshops offered at the University of Kentucky.
Liberty University - Debate - Institute
Summer debate workshop at Liberty University that is open to all high school students.
National Forensic Consortium
Information about the 30 Round debate camp at the University of Maryland. Also includes information on the Berkeley Mentors Program.
National Policy Debate Institute
Three week session held at Bates College, with critiqued practice rounds, and instruction in research, and use of evidence.
Northwestern Summer Debate Program
Coon Hardy Scholars debate institute at Northwestern University, in Chicago.
Patriot Classic
A comprehensive debate institute at George Mason University.
Samford University Summer Forensics Institute
Workshop in Alabama that offers fundamentals of debate for beginners.
Spartan Debate Institute
Four-week debate workshop at the Michigan State University
Stanford National Forensics Institute
Offers a three week policy debate program and a two week LD and IE program, with 4 levels of instruction.
Sun Country Forensics Institute
Dixie State College of Utah hosts policy debate and individual events workshops.
The Championship Debate Group Insititute
Offers varsity and novice policy, lincoln-douglas, student congress, and individual events workshops at University of Northern Texas (UNT).
UMKC Summer Debate Institute
Two-week summer debate institute offered by University of Missouri-Kansas City.
University of Michigan Debate
Homepage of the Michigan Debate Institute that offers information about the Classic, and 7-week programs.
University of Oregon Summer Forensics Institute
Offers intensive two-week high school debate and individual event institute which features a 6 round debate tournament. Also offers concurrent workshop for high school educators. All students receive college credit.
UNT Mean Green Debate Workshops
A low-cost high school debate institute in North Texas.
UT National Institute in Forensics (UTNIF)
Offers many debate sessions with different times, focus and levels. Includes cross-x debate, Lincoln-Douglas, Coaches workshop, and individual events. Held at the University of Texas, Austin.
Victory Briefs Institute
Workshops for Policy and Lincoln-Douglas Debate held at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Wake Forest Summer Debate Workshops
Offers 4 different types of policy debate workshops, along with starter sets, in conjunction with Planet Debate.
Whitman National Debate Institute
Information, schedule, and registration for summer LD and policy debate institute.
World Debate Institue
Two week intensive program for novice, varsity, and super-varsity. Twelve practice debates, comprehensive theory and skill instruction. Hosted by the University of Vermont.
Wyoming Forensics Institute
University of Wyoming offers team debate, lincoln-douglas and individual events workshops. Open to all high school students