Junior Civitan
Auburn High School Junior Civitan Club, Burlington Junior Civitan, Canadian District West Junior Civitan, Dundas Junior Civitan, Junior Civitan International, Newburgh Junior Civitan
Annapolis Civitan 177
Maryland. Brief overview of club activities, meetings and history.
Civitan - Canadian District East
News bulletin, history, district club directory with links, upcoming events, awards, and hall of fame.
Civitan International
Central site for this public service organization which emphasizes helping people with developmental disabilities.
Civitan Norway
Overview, club directory with links, and board of directors. [Norwegian/English]
Civitan, Canadian District West
Includes links to member clubs, news bulletin, district manual, history, awards program and events.
Ohio District Civitan International
A service club with emphasis on helping individuals with developmental disabilities. Included is a newsletter, information on officers, clubs, and meetings.
Second City Civitan Club
Barrie, Ontario, Canada. Includes club projects with descriptions and photos, history, and membership information.
UAB Civitan AmeriCorps
Aims to provide an educational opportunity for Americans to increase the independence, productivity, and community integration of all people. Individuals with and without disabilities constitute the Corps.
UAB Civitan International Research Center
Coordinates and conducts research related to human development, mental retardation, and developmental disabilities. Links for researchers and families about early child development, neurobiology research and developmental disabilities. (University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama)