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Cookbook Publishers, Inc.
A group's favorite recipes can produce $500, $1000 or more. Free information kit available.
Fundcraft Publishing
Fundraising with personalized cookbooks for groups all over the U.S. Free information kit.
G&R Publishing
Churches, schools, groups, businesses and families can raise $1,500 to $3,000 and more with a custom cookbook.
Gateway Publishing Ltd.
Self publish a fundraising cookbook for your next fundraiser. Site includes everything needed to get started including a downloadable "Let's Get Cooking" guide.
Create a cookbook with photos and stories as well as recipes. Minimum order is five. Books are printed in 10 ?15 business days. Black and white or color.
Rasmussen Company
Custom printed fundraising cookbooks for schools, churches, community organizations, and families with members' own favorite recipes.
Walter's Publishing
Participants can type recipes at the same time and view entire cookbook online. Finished cookbooks ship in only 20 working days.