Canberra LETS Trading Club
Local Exchange Trading System operating in the Canberra Australia region.
Cirencester LETS Group
A Local Exchange Trading System in the Cirencester, Malmesbury and Tetbury areas, encouraging trading of local skills and services.
Geek Credit distributed currency
Geek Credit is a digital form of the WATT community currency. It is similar to LETS but the balances information is distributed among users. The site provides a GPLed Geek Credit pocket software and system documentation.
LETS Hamilton
Local Exchange Trading System (LETS) for Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
LETS Niagara
A LETS system for the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada.
LETS Webring
Growing ring of LETS-related websites: indexes, local groups, theoretical resources, software sites... on LETSystems worldwide. Free to join.
LETS-Linkup - LETS Groups around the world
Over 1,500 LETS groups from more than 34 countries. Includes International LETS Accommodation Directory and Swap Shop (Barter Classifieds).
LETS: The Economic System of Giving
Interesting discussion of LETS as a new, more humanising kind of "money", and its relationship with the problem of the future of work, followed by contact details for EAGLETS.
An overview of LETSystems, local currencies and the future of money. Includes a guide to starting your own LETSystem and software to help manage it.
North East LETS
Adelaide's north eastern local exchange trading system.
Project LETS List
A database of LETS-systems and resources around the world. Compiled by volunteers who add new links, and help keep the database up to date.
Uni-LETS (Global LETS)
United Nations International "LETS" for global barter and exchange.