British Mensa
British Mensa has almost 40,000 members in the UK, including 2,200 Junior Mensans under the age of 16.
Hellenic Mensa
Read about the activities Greek Mensa offers their members; find info on how to take their IQ-test and how to join. Bilingual (Greek/English).
Mensa Belgium-Luxembourg
SIG and national group activities, a member list, and an on-line IQ test.
Mensa Polska
Miêdzynarodowe stowarzyszenie, w którym jedynym kryterium przyjêcia jest uzyskanie w standardowych testach ilorazu inteligencji (IQ) kwalifikuj±cego do 2 górnych procent populacji. W³adze, kontakt, statut, sekcje, typowe zadania, egzaminy, forum, polscy mensanie.
Mensa Portugal (Official Project)
The main purpose of this site is to become the starting point for the creation of the future Mensa Portugal, that will be the Portuguese Group of Mensa. Tests, resources and a public Forum are available to all visitors.
Mensa Slovakia
A short I.Q. test, photographs, membership and contact information.
Mensa Sweden
The website of the Swedish national chapter of Mensa offers information on joining, testing, activities and a trial test. Primarily in swedish, but also with english content.
Mensa Switzerland
The Swiss section of Mensa presents information about its members and its activities, and about Mensa in general.