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Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Oceania
High IQ World
Features unbiased information on the major high-IQ-societies such as Mensa, Prometheus and Mega. Includes links to various tests, both on intelligence, personality and others.
Mensa Education & Research Foundation (MERF)
Charitable (501-C3) organization that is funded by American Mensa and other charitable donations.
Mensa International
Provides a forum for intellectual exchange among members.
Mensa Online Club
Links, chat, and threaded messages for Mensans.
Mensa Under Water
SCUBA and apnea diving with Mensa (Europe)
Mensans of the World Circle
A webring for Mensan's personal pages, local group pages, or any site which has an association with Mensa.
The American Mensa special interest group for intelligent youth. Includes chat, bulletin board, articles, poetry and games.
The Mensa Process
Makes use of the intelligence and creativity of Mensa members to help companies develop new products, new promotional ideas and new business strategies.