english deutsch
Coastal Squadron One
History and listings of U.S. Navy swift boat crews that served 1965-70. Provides swiftboat/Patrol Craft Fast (PCF) background, call signs, command lists, lists of unknown personnel or crews, and contact information.
Endless Journey
Take a journey through the past via these Mobile Riverine Force webpages. The author served on a Tango Boat from 7/68 to 7/69.
Gamewardens of Vietnam
Official website for Task Force 116, the Gamewardens of Vietnam.
Inland Engagements - U. S. Navy River Operations -
Sculptor Serena Goldstein Litofsky's bronze relief shows a swift Boat PCF-35, which can been seen in the distance, commanded by Lieutenant Junior Grade Elmo Zumwalt III, son of the U.S. Navy Commander in Vietnam (and later to become Chief of Naval Operations), ADM Elmo Zumwalt, Jr.
Mobile Riverine Force Association
Brown Water Navy Task Forces 117, 116, 115. Monitors, Zippos, Tangos, ASPB's, PBR's, PCF's, APBs, ARLs, APLs, YRBMs, AKL, NavDets. Riverine Infantry 9th Infantry Division Mekong Delta.
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74 Veteran&apo
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 74 veteran's home page.
Not a Hero
Reviews, excerpts, and pictures of the book written by Ron Fitts, LT. detailing his accounts within PBR - River Division 571 as he led over 220 river boat patrols during the Vietnam war.
Patrol Boats River of R/S 533
Information on R/S 533 66/67 and links to other PBR related sites.
PBR Forces Veterans Association
The Association of Vietnam PBR forces sailors.
Rick's Brown Water Navy Page
RivDiv552 a PBR Division, ATSB Tra Cu, Vietnam.
RiverVet, Mobile Riverine Force in Action in Vietn
Assault Boats, Monitors, Armored Troop Carriers, flame throwers, PBR's, PACV's, PCF's, Swifts, pictures and stories about this joint Army/Navy operation.
The New Jersey Naval Museum
Details of the museum and exhibits.
U.S. 'Brown Water Navy" Becomes History
Copy of the Pacific Stars & Stripes December 10, 1970 article describing the last days of the U.S. involvement with the Brown Water Navy.
Verne DeWitt, Boat Support Unit 1, Da Nang, '
"Pictures of the Navy, Nam, and me". In-country, Da Nang 1964/65. Naval Advisory Group, Mobile Support Team One, Naval Operations Support Group, Boat Support Unit One Amphib Base Coronado, California.