13th Bomb Squadron Association
A USAF Korean War veterans group. Site includes nose art, oral history, MIA's, strike targets, and numerous pictures.
2/Lt. Jimmy L. Escalle - A Tribute
A website that uses both words and pictures to honor my uncle,an F-86 Sabre pilot who was reported missing in action during the Korean War.
Coalition of Families of Korean & Cold War POW
Families of American POW/MIAs from the Cold and Korean Wars, dedicated to a full accounting of all missing servicemen.
In Support of Charles Robert Jenkins
Explores the issues relating to his alleged desertion/defection, including the possibility he is actually a Prisoner of War, in North Korea.
Korea-Cold War Families of the Missing
Family organization for Korean-Cold War Prisoners of War and Missing in Action.
Korean War MIA Family Outreach Project
A site dedicated to locating families of certain Korean War MIAs.
Korean War POW photos from Pyoktong POW camps
Photos of Korean War POWs who were kept by the Chinese army at Pyoktong POW camps in North Korea from 1951 to 1953.
Korean War POW/MIA Network
Looking for a Missing Serviceman from the Korean War? We have the 944 List, Johnnie Johnson List, MIA/CAP Report, Air Intel and Air Force Manual 200-25, KT Interrogation Reports, POW/MIA Sightings, UTM Grid Maps, Remains and Prison Camp information, and more.
Korean War Project
A non-profit corporation devoted to the study of the Korean War which includes photographs, recollections, message centers, POW/MIA information, & casualty databases.
Korean War US POW's in Soviet Jails
A news story on American prisoners of wars captured during the Korean War and sent to Soviet prisons and labor camps.
Pvt Earl C Nazelrod - POW/MIA
Died in a POW camp at Andong, North Korea.