Fort Steele Heritage Town: North-West Mounted Poli
D Division of the North-West Mounted Police being assigned to the Kootenay region. In the late summer of 1887, Superintendent Samuel Benfield Steele at the head of 75 men marched into British Columbia to establish the NWMP's first post west of the Rocky Mountains.
Horse Mounted Police Research
The author is researching horse policing in the United States. If the project goes well expanding into other countries using mounted law enforcement.
Metropolitan Police Service, Mounted Branch
Information page on the Mounted Branch of the london Metropolitan Police Service.
Mounted Patrol: Alpha & Omega Services RCMP
Alpha & Omega Services Royal Courtesy Mounted Patrol (RCMP) provides the best in protection and public relations image plus excellent on-going training.
Mounted Police Modeller
Home page of modeller seeking contact with other hobbyist interested in mounted police worldwide, to exchange uniform data.
Mounted Police Training and Equipment Co.
Commercial site, specializing in training, certification, equipment, tack and insurance for the mounted officer.
Mounted police training Riders Elite Academy
Information on training for Mounted Police, posse and civilian riders. Including riding lessons,clinics and sensory training for horses.
Mounted Police Worldwide
Mounted Police Officer Certification Training and supplier of tack and equipment for mounted police and civilian riders.
An informational site serving the Mounted Police Community.
Northwoods Mounted Search and Rescue - Oneida Coun
Mounted horse unit capable of searching large tracts of forest land for downed aircraft, missing hunters, hikers, etc.
PDMounted Training Center
Information on equestrian training to law personnel and organizations.
The Horses Exhalt the Officers Who Ride Them
Cantering through smoke, over obstacles and down city streets, recruits in Washington, D.C. train for careers as mounted police. From Smithsonian Magazine, May 2001.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride
Developed by early members of the original North-West Mounted Police who had a British military background, the Musical Ride focused on cavalry drill movements.
Vancouver Police Mounted Squad Unofficial Home Pag
A tribute to the horses and officers of the Vancouver Police Mounted Squad. History of the Mounted Squad, information on its horses and officers, and current activities.