english deutsch
Bovine Growth Hormones
Organic Style: Milk - The Healthy Choice?, The Fox-BGH Cover-up Lawsuit
Anti Dairy Images
For free use on websites to spread the word about the unhealthful aspects of cow milk consumption.
Milk Information
Easy-to-digest facts and figures on the adverse health effects of drinking ordinary dairy milk - including cancer and osteoporosis.
Not Milk
Provides list of famous people and organizations who support and oppose milk consumption, offers short articles claiming health problems from milk, and provides extensive links.
Information about the benefits of soy products on health and the environment with a comparison to cow's milk. Includes recipes and a public discussion forum.
The No Milk Page
A page of many annotated links to sites for people wishing to avoid dairy products for health or other reasons. Examples are lactose maldigestion, milk allergy, milk protein intolerance, casein intolerance, and the vegan diet.
Veal: A Cruel Meal
Asserts that by drinking milk, the veal industry is supported and animals are further subjected to inhumane treatment.