Books Better Than Babies
Contains some reasons childfree people can use to explain their lifestyle choices.
Rants about misbehaved children and/or bad parenting, links, and a discussion forum.
Breedertroll Bingo
Popular lame quotes by parents, directed at the childfree, made into a bingo board.
Online community for those childfree by choice in New Zealand. Message board and member photos.
Childfree Community On LiveJournal
A place to rant, make friends, laugh, and talk about childfree issues.
Childfree Ghetto
The author's thoughts and rants on children and their parents.
Childfree Page
"It only takes one child to raze a village."
Childfree vs. Parents Smackdown
Discussion and debate forum for both parents and childfree. Flaming and swearing is allowed.
Childless By Choice
A childfree woman explains her choice.
Positively Childfree
Message board for those who have made the decision not to become parents.
A discussion and support forum for both parents and the childfree.
This site contains Sprog (child) definitions, minivan definitions, childfree haikus, childfree limericks, mindless breeder types, and childfree predicaments.