Are Children a Burden?
Briefly explains both sides of the childfree versus parent debate, and suggests further resources.
Child-Free Employees See Another Side of Equation
Are companies too family-friendly? From the Wall Street Journal.
Childfree by Choice
Archive of childfree articles at Suite101.
Childfree Latitudes
A monthly ezine devoted to living and enjoying a childfree lifestyle.
Childfree UK
Mailing list for CF-ers in the United Kingdom.
The Childfree Webring
Contains links to childfree sites.
The Childfree-by-Choice Pages
A clearinghouse of childfree-by-choice information.
The Nurture Assumption
A woman borrows a baby to test her theory that some women just do not want to have children.
Women who choose childlessness fail to match the s
Study, by Fiona McAllister with Lynda Clarke at the Family Policy Studies Centre, challenging perceptions of people who choose not to have children.
World Overpopulation Awareness
Endeavors to make people aware of the impacts of overpopulation, and the actions that can be taken to slow population growth. Encourages and informs about birth control choices.