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Bronx Defenders
Non-profit organization providing free legal representation to Bronx residents charged with crimes.
inMotion Inc.
A non-profit organization providing free legal services to economically disadvantaged women.
Lawyers Alliance for New York
LANY provides business legal services to nonprofits in New York City.
Legal Action Center
Fighting discrimination against people with AIDS, criminal records, and histories of addiction, from our New York City office.
Legal Services for Children
Provides free legal assistance to disadvantaged children in New York City, including civil legal representation and related social services, primarily in the areas of special education and Social Security Disability benefits.
Nassau Suffolk Law Services Committee, Inc.
Non-profit, community based poverty law program providing legal assistance in civil (non-criminal) matters to low income people throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties in New York State.
Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.
Not-for-profit agency located in Buffalo, providing free legal services to persons with low-income and persons with disabilities.