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Government Agencies
Associations, Australia, Canada, United States, Austria - Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (A, Germany - Die gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften
Injured Workers Association of Utah
Legal information and a list of attorneys for workers injured in Utah.
Injured Workers for Change
Investigating alleged legal abuse, medical fraud, and unlawful retaliation toward workers in the workers compensation system.
Injured Workers of Washington State
A support and advocacy group providing information and informal guidance to the injured worker.
Oregon Workers' Compensation Resources
Sources of information and assistance for workers' compensation cases from the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services.
The Work Injury Help Site
About workers' compensation law, by Edward Singer, Esq. Includes the California Inured Worker Advisor, a resource for injured workers and employee representatives, providing legal updates, news, and articles on law and medicine.
Includes news and information about workers' compensation, as well as public and professional forums. Some features require paid subscription.
Workers' Compensation Insurance.com
United States national resource for workers, providing forums, current news, and links to state and federal information.
Serving both employees and the workers' compensation industry with information, forums, and a directory of professionals for workers' compensation cases.