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Baycol Product Liability Litigation
Official court website for lawsuits relating to the drug Baycol filed in U.S. federal court.
Dana B. Taschner
Recall news and lawsuit information about the drug Baycol.
Greg Jones and Associates, P.C.
North Carolina law firm representing plaintiffs in Baycol pharmaceutical claims and medical malpractice.
Kritzer Zonies LLC
Legal information regarding Baycol from Denver-based law firm.
Law Offices of Alan Aleksander
Information on possible health consequences of Baycol and related litigation from San Barbara, California law firm.
Law Offices of Patrick KB Tracy
An introduction to Baycol litigation, from a Boston, Massachusetts attorney.
Law Offices of Thomas J. Lamb, P.A
Information about possible litigation relating to the use of Baycol from a Wilmington, NC, law firm.
Rochon Genova
Information on Baycol and its reported side effects from a Toronto class action firm.
Sheff Law Offices
Baycol information, resources and legal options provided by Boston, MA law office.
Van O'Steen and Partners
Information on the Baycol recall, including background on the lawsuit and side effects from Arizona law firm.