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Canadian Patents Database
Search, retrieve and study more than 1,400,000 patent documents. From the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.
European Patent Office
The executive body of the European Patent Organisation.
IP Australia
Government organisation providing legal information and registration material for trademarks, patents, designs and intellectual property.
National Informatics Center
Patent bibliographic database from the Government of India.
The Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market (OHIM) registers the Community Trade Mark in the European Union.
Patent Office of the United Kingdom
Intellectual property information in the United Kingdom.
The State Intellectual Property Office of the Peop
Offering intellectual property and patent laws and regulations, with additional features available in Chinese.
U.S. Copyright Office
General information and publications.
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
Patent and trademark information in the United States, including free database searching of registered trademarks, registration information, pricing and contact phone numbers.
World Intellectual Property Organization
Responsible for the promotion of the protection of intellectual property throughout the world, and for administration of various multilateral treaties dealing with intellectual property.