Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
Legal and policy resources on the civil rights of people with mental disabilities, including health care, education, housing, federal benefits, insurance and employment.
Brain Injury Association USA Home Page
Promotes awareness, understanding and prevention of brain injury through education, advocacy, research grants and community support services that lead toward reduced incidence and improved outcomes of children and adults with brain injuries.
Center for Law and Education
CLE works to vindicate the rights of students with disabilities, emphasizing low-income children and youth. It participates in litigation, federal and state legislative advocacy, and technical assistance to attorneys and parents.
Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in S
This organization provides technical assistance to both school districts and parents, and serves as an information clearinghouse on dispute resolution in special education.
Council for Exceptional Children
Assists teachers, school administrators and related service providers to appropriately implement recent changes to the United States' primary special education law.
David A. Sherman
Information about educational rights for autistic children, from a San Francisco law firm.
Disability Rights Advocates
DRA is a national and international organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities. Run by and for people with disabilities, DRA pursues its mission through research, education, and legal advocacy.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997. This amended law forms the basis for special education in all fifty states.
Law Offices of Eric G. Ransleben
Overview of special education law, from a Fort Worth attorney.
Legal Resources for Special Education
University of Virginia Curry School of Education Internet resources for special education advocacy.
National Association of Protection and Advocacy Sy
Nationwide network of congressionally mandated, legally based disability rights agencies.
Parents United Together
This organization's mission is to offer parents and professionals information relating to children with disabilities. Links to laws, advocacy groups, and specific disability information are provided
Reed Martin, J.D.
Educational resource for parents, advocates, attorneys and school personnel on the educational rights of children with disabilities to a free appropriate public education.
Special Needs Advocate for Parents
SNAP provides information, education, advocacy, and referrals to families with special needs children of all ages and disabilities.A directory of attorneys and speakers bureau is also available.
Statewide Parent Advocacy Network, Inc.
SPAN is a non-profit educational and advocacy center for parents of children from birth to 21 years of age. This N.J. organization assists families of infants, toddlers, children and youth with and without disabilities.
The EDLAW Center
Resource for disabled children and their parents, providing information concerning federal and state education laws, parent advocacy, referrals, and late breaking information.
The Federal Resource Center for Special Education
Special education technical assistance project funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, and is part of the Regional Resource and Federal Centers Network.
The Special Education Team
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction presentation containing information concerning advocacy, special education resources and links, Title I entitlements, and school improvement.
Washington Assistive Technology Alliance
A consumer advocacy network in the state of Washington which provides information, referral, and training related to assistive technology(AT) devices. Services include lists of resources that offer consultation, advocacy, and legal representation for these and other AT issues.
Information for parents, advocates, lawyers, and educators who need legal information regarding the education of children with disabilities, from Peter W. D. Wright, Esq.