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Lemon Law
Ask the Rep, Autopedia, Car Lemon, David J. Gorberg, Howard A. Gutman, Kimmel & Silverman, Lemon Laws - Council of Better Business Bureaus, Lemon-Aid, T. Michael Flinn, William R. McGee
Provides information on consumer protection laws in thirteen countries and offers consumers a way to file complaints online.
Florida Professional License Watch
Providing information about licensed professionals, including doctors and teachers.
Judge Dickerson's Consumer Law Decisions, Pap
Links to articles on the rights and remedies of consumers, with a biography of the author, a New York State County Court Judge.
Lawyers Fund for Client Protection of New York Sta
Acting to protect legal cosumers from dishonest conduct in the practice of law, to preserve the integrity of the bar, to safeguard the good name of honest lawyers, and to promote public confidence in the administration of justice.
National Consumer Law Center
Advocate for low-income consumer justice and low-income consumer issues.
New Jersey Consumer Law
Information about legal rights, product and consumer safety, from ATLA, New Jersey.