Deep Linking
"Deep Linking" in the World Wide Web, Another Run to a Deep-Link Suit, Attention Editors: Deep Link Away, Can "Deep Linking" Lead to Deep Trouble?, Deep Linking, Deep Linking = Deep Trouble?, Deep Linking is Good Linking, Deep Linking Returns to Surface, Deep Linking Takes Another Blow, Deep Thinking Eludes Deep Linking Detractors
Links to Copyrighted Material
Application of the DMCA Safe Harbor Provisions to , Copyright Decision Threatens Freedom to Link, Copyright on the WWW: Linking and Liability, DOJ Rips Hackers, '2600' Mag in DVD-Crac, Federal Judge Orders Couple to Remove Web links to, Hollywood Looks to Kill Hyperlinks in Copyright Fi, Studio Warns Kung Fu Site
Links to Illegal Material
Assessing Linking Liability, DVD Lawsuit Questions Legality of Linking, Free Speech on the Web? Don't Even Talk About, Is Linking Illegal?, Judge orders Indymedia NL to Remove Links to Radik, Only News That's Fit to Link, University Bans Controversial Links
Permission to Link
Big Stink Over a Simple Link, Link to Athens Olympics Site, Linking Rights, Links and Law, Public Protests NPR Link Policy, When Linking Isn't Better Business
Copyright Issues Present Ongoing Dilemma: To Link
Addresses the legal and ethical issues behind the online copying and distribution of news content. [Online Journalism Review]
Don't Link to Us!
Describing to sites that attempt to impose substantial restrictions on other sites that link to them.
Is Linking Always Legal? The Experts Aren't S
Commentary on challenges to linking rights. Free registration required. [NY Times]
Legal Issues on the Internet: Hyperlinking and Fra
Overview of issues in linking and framing disputes. [D-Lib magazine]
Link.Openly: Etiquette
"The law has decided very little about hyperlinking, so custom and practice is a much better guide for implementers and publishers of hyperlinks." Suggestions for linking formats.
Linking and Crawling Issues
Attorney Ivan Hoffman outlines some cases over linking and related topics.
Linking and Liability
Technical aspects of linking and legal theories that may limit the right to link to other pages. [BitLaw]
Linking Copyright to Homepages
A law review article examining the legal implications of "links", including liability and copyright. Concludes that a linking page is analogous to the publisher of a telephone book. [Federal Communications Law Journal]
Linking Policies for Public Web Sites
For librarians creating sites that link to others. Describes importance of having a linking policy, gives resources on policy creation, describes controversies. []
Linking, Framing and Inlining
Information about the law relating to deep linking, framing, and IMG links. [Nolo]
Netlitigation: Linking, Framing, and Metatags
Issue overview and case analyses.
Proprietary Rights in Hypertext Linkages
A thesis that there is no legal grounds for excluding the operation of hypertext linkages. [JILT: The Journal of Information, Law and Technology]
The Link Controversy Page
Collection of information about the legal implications of hyperlinking, inlining and framing.
The Link to Liability
Editorial criticizing linking lawsuits and how the law is falling behind technology. [The American Lawyer]
Thinking About Linking
Can law accommodate the power of the Internet to share information? An overview of how old legal rules are being adapted to new media technology. [Law Library Resource Xchange]
What's all the Hype about Hyperlinking?
A brief overview of some linking regulation disputes. [Jeffrey R. Kuester and Peter A. Nieves]