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E-Commerce, Jurisdiction, Linking Law, Unsolicited Email, ACLU: Internet Free Speech, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Business Software Alliance - Software Piracy Prev, Chilling Effects Clearinghouse, Copyrighting Basics on the Internet, Cyber-Law, WTO & China, Cybersquatting Double Standard, Cybertelecom, David Post's Writings, Ethan Preston
Directories, BickLaw, BitLaw, CompLaw, DRM Academy, eCommerce Times, eLawNetwork.com, InfoLaw Web, Internet Laws, Phillips Nizer, LLP, Sidley Austin Brown & Wood
Specific Cases
Center for Democracy & Technology - The CDA Ca, Edelman v. N2H2, Inc., Findings of Fact - The Microsoft Monopoly, Ind-Movement.org: The Lawsuit, Reno v. ACLU, State of Oregon vs Randal Schwartz
Al Nye The Lawyer Guy, Alextronic Discovery, beSpacific, beSpacific, DennisKennedy.com, DennisKennedy.com, EEJD Blog, iBusiness Law, iBusiness Law, IT Law in Ireland
Electronic Privacy Information Center
News and updates on laws on electronic privacy.
Making Way for Intelligence in Case Space
This paper describes an early effort to build a distributed system for computer-mediated litigation, and explores some of the issues involved in the intelligent use of such a system.
One Flew Over Pacman's Nest
Legal and technical analysis of the legal aspects of emulation, focused on European law.