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Allen County Prosecutor
Summary of the responsibilities of the office.
Butler County Prosecutor
Information on the work of office divisions, and a staff directory.
Carroll County Prosecutor
Duties of the prosecutor, an explanation of how crimes are prosecuted, and answers to frequently asked questions. Also, many pop-up advertisements.
Coshocton County Prosecutor
Duties of the prosecutor, pictures of staff, and contact information.
Cuyahoga County Prosecutor
Information on the criminal division's units and on the community-based prosecution program, and news of the office.
Delaware County Prosecutor
A description of the duties of the office.
Franklin County Prosecutor
Contact information, assistance for victims, and a list of past county prosecutors.
Geauga County Prosecutor
Contact information.
Greene County Prosecutor
A summary of the work of the office with contact information, and an Ask the Prosecutor page for public questions and answers.
Hamilton County Prosecutor
Mission statement, maps, news releases, and a Parole Watch page showing who is coming up for parole.
Lake County Prosecutor
Descriptions of the work of the office, and contact information.
Logan County Prosecutor
Duties of the prosecutor, description of office programs, and a staff list with pictures.
Lorain County Prosecutor
A description of the criminal justice process and of the roles of victims, witnesses, and prosecutors, and a feedback form.
Lucas County Prosecutor
Information on the office's organization and history, and office news with a news archive.
Meigs County Prosecutor
Victims compensation questions and answers, and office contact information.
Montgomery County Prosecutor
Descriptions of the work of each office division, contacts, and information on employment opportunities.
Ohio Attorney General
An online victim's compensation fund application, the Ohio gang survey, office publications and press releases, and contact information.
Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association
OPAA works to increase the efficiency of its members in the pursuit of their profession, to broaden their interest in government, to provide cooperation and concerted action on policies which affect prosecutors, and to aid in the furtherance of justice; its site includes a password protected message board and brief bank, and information on training and job openings.
Portage County Prosecutor
Description of the work of each office division, statistics, contacts, and information on the Safe School Hotline.
Shelby County Prosecutor
Duties of the prosecutor, steps in the prosecution of a case, and a list of office prosecutors with pictures.
Summit County Prosecutor
A summary of the work of the office, and contact information.
Warren County Prosecutor
Contact information.
Washington County Prosecutor
Mission description and staff biographical information.
Wood County Prosecutor
Description of office duties, information on the victim notification system, speakers bureau topics, and contact information.