Black Hawk County Attorney
Mission statement, answers to frequently asked questions about domestic abuse, and criminal justice links.
Clinton County Attorney
An explanation of what the county attorney does and does not do, and contact information.
Dallas County Attorney
A list of the duties of the office, and contact information.
Des Moines City Legal Department
Prosecution information in the answers to frequently asked questions, and the municipal code online.
Iowa Attorney General
Contacts, legal resources including a tobacco enforcement civil prosecution guide, and news of the office's work.
Iowa County Attorneys Association
ICAA's site provides legal updates and other information, and includes a bulletin board; its site includes news, a case search engine, guidelines for asset forfeiture, standards for prosecution, and merchandise.
Johnson County Attorney
A list of what the county attorney does and does not do, information on juvenile justice and the school attendance task force, and resources available to victims.
Polk County Attorney
Mission statement and a description of office duties, and online access to the county code.
Scott County Attorney
Information on the work of the office, answers to frequently asked questions, a printable criminal complaint form, and contacts.
Story County Attorney
Lists of what the county attorney does and does not do.
Woodbury County Attorney
A description of the duties of the office, contact information, and online forms for defense attorneys.