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Austin Police Association
Contact and membership information.
Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas
Largest state police association in Texas. News and information for members.
Dallas Police Association
Working for police officers of Dallas.
Dickinson Police Officers Association
An organization of Texas Peace Officers employed by the Dickinson Police Department. News, service and contact information.
El Paso Municipal Police Officers Association
Information and member services.
Houston Police Officers' Union
Works with city officials and state legislators, to improve wages, benefits and working conditions for its members.
San Antonio Police Officers' Association
Information on members involvement within the community of San Antonio.
Texas D.A.R.E. Officers Association
News and Information.
Texas Highway Patrol Association
Representing the officers, providing news and information.
Texas Municipal Police Association
Law enforcement support organization open to all Texas peace officers.
Texas Narcotic Officer's Association
History, membership data and conference updates.
Texas State Troopers Association
Lobbies the state legislature and assists troopers in times of need. Includes news, forum, and donation information.
Texas Women in Law Enforcement
To strengthen the law enforcement profession through the celebration of diversity, education and awareness.