Cumbria Police Federation
A staff association for police officers below the rank of superintendent working in Cumbria.
IPA 8 Region
For the use of IPA members to find out what's going on in the area and for non members to find out more about the IPA.
IPA Region 3
Covering from Durham in the north east, Merseyside on the north west coast to York on the east, news and information.
IPA Staffordshire Branch
Information and contact details for all IPA members.
Kent Police Federation
Representing all officers below the rank of Superintendent in Kent Police.
Merseyside North Branch
Local branch of the International Police Association in the north west of England, history, news and information.
Metropolitan Black Police Association
Aiming to improve the working environment for police personnel of African, African-Caribbean or Asian origin working in London. Highlights current issues, group news and events, and community projects and partnerships.
Metropolitan Police Federation
Serving the needs of 26,000 Metropolitan police officers in London.
Suffolk Police Federation
Representing the ranks of Constable to Chief Inspector in Suffolk.
Surrey Police Federation
Representing Constables, Sergeants, Inspectors and Chief Inspectors in the Surrey.