english deutsch
The Register: 'We are at war' - Dubya
"The President, who, incidentally, isn't authorized to declare war, declared war. He also did something we've not seen since the Vietnam era - he promised victory." UK.
The Register: Anti-spammers compared to terrorists
"A mass marketing firm has sent out an email that compares anti-spammers to terrorists in a tirade that has infuriated Register readers." UK.
The Register: FBI condemns vigilante hacking
"The FBI has issued a condemnation of "vigilante" hacker activity after the formation of a group dedicated to waging electronic warfare against countries they believe support terrorism." UK.
The Register: Taleban site hacked and defaced
"The site www.taleban.com, registered to the Afghan Taleban Mission to the UN in New York, has been hacked and defaced." UK.
The Register: US terror attack linked with compute
"The first inevitable news reports linking the terrorist attacks to computer games have emerged, with Britain's Sky News suggesting earlier this afternoon that the terrorists could have used software such as Microsoft's Flight Simulator games to practice flying to other cities and crashing their planes into buildings." UK.
The Register: World Trade Centre to be removed fro
"Images depicting the World Trade Centre are to be been removed from the next version of Microsoft's Flight Simulator game." UK.