Alternative Resources on the U.S. War Against Terr
Links to alternative news and commentary, petitions, and information on anti-war activities throughout the United States. "Heroic effort" By Jet Passe
Article dealing with the passengers on the Pennsylvania flight. USA.
Christian Science Monitor: Why do they hate us?
Examines the mood of resentment toward America, includes poll responses, categorized by country, to a military response. Speak No Evil
How patriotism is trying to silence voices of dissent.
CounterPunch: Interviewing Chomsky on 9/11
Noam Chomsky interview on Radio B92 in Belgrade, discussing his views on the cause of the attack and the likely consequences of retaliation. Includes Chomsky's column from September 12. USA.
CounterPunch: Sense and Nonsense About September 1
By Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St Clair. "Did Osama bin-Laden outwit US intelligence agencies in a deadly game of decoy or double bluff?" USA.
Fox News: Full Text of Terror Guide
Translation of a document used by the hijackers.
Freedom Forum: Freedom flees in terror from Sept.
A look at how various congressmen and government officials are trying to restrict personal liberties. USA.
h2so4: We Are Not on an Innocence Mission
A comment by Laura Schattschneider.
IMC New York City: Disasters in NYC and D.C.
Stories, photos and audio. Background, media analysis, commentary and speculation. Includes list of World Trade Center tenants. USA.
In These Times: The Problem with Evil
"An action (or reaction) may be understandable - we do get it - but that doesn't make it right." Editorial by Joel Bleifuss. USA.
In These Times: Trigger Happy
Jeffrey St. Clair reports on suggestions to deploy nuclear weapons against Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.
Media Monitors Network: Investigate before you Ret
Michel Collon hypothesizs that the terrorist attacks required a complicity from the American extreme Right or the secret services of the US.
Media Monitors Network: No News is Bad News
Robert Jensen and Rahul Mahajan predict "war on the civilian population of Afghanistan using fear, flight and food."
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel : Farrakhan condemns te
Jamaal Abdul-Alim. "He said America is entitled to an 'appropriate response' to the attacks, but expressed concern that the government - feeding from an atmosphere of blinding anger and pride - might go too far in retaliating, and trigger a terrible war. He quoted a verse from the Qur'an that admonishes people not to let the hatred of others incite them to act unjustly and harm innocent people as a result. 'It's good counsel for Muslims, but it's also good counsel for Christians and others,' Farrakhan said." USA.
Nation of Islam: Farrakhan speaks on World Trade C
Full transcript of his sermon plus a link to the audio/video webcast. USA.
National Post: Vengeance Via the Israel Model
By George Friedman. "The United States needs a superb covert operations capability -- of unquestioned skill and moral virtue -- to wage this war." USA.
PBS Frontline: Looking for Answers
The rise of radical Islamic terrorism and why US intelligence failed on 9/11/01. Articles, interviews, video excerpts, and links.
Ramallah Online: U.S. Muslims Condemn Terrorist At
"The American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC), today condemned the apparent terrorist attacks in New York and Washington and offered condolences to the families of those who were killed or injured. American Muslims utterly condemn what are apparently vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts." USA.
RamallahOnline: Arab American Statement on Terror
Statement from The Arab American Institute. USA.
RamallahOnline: Arafat Donates Blood for U.S. Vict
"Palestinian President Yasser Arafat donated blood Wednesday for the victims of the terror attacks in New York and Washington while other Palestinians held a vigil in Jerusalem in sympathy with the United States." USA.
Record Online: New York, D.C. Dig Out of 'Dev
AP. Information on the death toll. USA. An Afghan-American Speaks
An Afghan-American citizen speaks of the tragedy. USA. Lessons on how to fight terror
"A message from the United Kingdom: Don't torture. Don't shoot boys who throw stones. And don't imagine for a moment that there is any guarantee of success." USA.
The Nation: A Growing Opposition
John Nichols. "In the name of God, we too demand that those responsible for these utterly evil acts be found and brought to justice. Those culpable must not escape accountability. But we must not, out of anger and vengeance, indiscriminately retaliate in ways that bring on even more loss of innocent life." USA.
The Nation: Nuclear Safety
Matt Bivens. "Given the extraordinary events, we're taking extraordinary measures to protect our nuclear plants, right?" USA.
The Nation: Of Sin, the Left & Islamic Fascism
Christopher Hitchens. "Not all readers liked my attack on the liberal/left tendency to 'rationalize' the aggression of September 11, or my use of the term "'fascism with an Islamic face.'" USA.
The New Republic: It Happened Here
Editorial, with links to other articles in the special issue of the magazine. USA.
The Progressive - Edward W. Said Interview
Commentary on the World Trade Center attack, difficulties arising from United States policy in the Middle East, and appropriate response.
The Progressive: The Toll of Terror
Matthew Rothschild, editor. "To note these factors is not, by any means, to justify the actions of the terrorists. It is only to suggest that the United States should be careful not to pursue policies that are unjust or needlessly inflammatory. The United States will not be able to preempt the ravings of every madman, but it can see to it that it does not send thousands of people into the arms of such madmen." USA.
The Progressive: Violence Doesn't Work
Howard Zinn. "We need to decide that we will not go to war, whatever reason is conjured up by the politicians of the media, because war in our time is always indiscriminate, a war against innocents, a war against children. War is terrorism, magnified a hundred times." USA.
Time: Cropduster Manual Discovered in Suspected Te
U.S. officials suspect that bin Laden conspirators may have been planning to disperse biological or chemical agents from cropdusting planes. USA. President Bush's Statement
Text of the statement made by President George Bush on the attacks. USA.
What the papers say in America
Summary of coverage in eight newspapers. Guardian, UK.