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'First War of 21st Century': Bush
Details President George W. Bush's declaration of war against terrorism, with video clips.
Allies Line Up With U.S. Against Terrorism
Article detailing the international response, with audio clips and related links.
Beyond Belief
Investigating the story of Ziad Samir Jarrah, suspected of piloting United Airlines flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001.
Canada Declares National Day of Mourning
Prime Minister Jean Chrétien announces a memorial service for the Friday following the attack.
Canada Reopens Airspace With Restrictions
Describes the gradual process of Canada's airspace returning to normal conditions, with photos and audio samples.
Canadian Air Restrictions Lifted
Reports how all restrictions on air travel in Canada have been lifted, with video clips.
CBC News: Indepth: U.S. Under Attack
Includes radio and TV news broadcast clips on the attack, and news articles on the attack. Also includes a discussion forum and message board.
Chance Decision Ensures Canadian Man's Escape
Reveals how Chuck Fisher's decision to take an earlier subway stop may have saved his life.
Defiant Bush Warns Americans Of 'Epic Struggl
Reveals the sharper American rhetoric in reaction to the terrorist attacks. Includes photos and video clips.
Economists Say Recession Now More Likely
Speculation on how the attacks might affect the longterm economy.
First Flights Take To The Air
Details the modified FAA security measures as flights resume, with video clips.
Gasoline Prices Hold Firm in Canada in Attack Afte
Oil analysts predict prices will remain stable at gas stations across Canada.
Grim Search Continues: 3,700 Missing
Provides details of the investigation along with reaction to the numbers of missing and deceased. Includes photos and video clips.
No Evidence of Canadian Connection
Solicitor General Lawrence MacAulay denies reports of the terrorists entering through Canada. Includes audio clips.
Passengers on Doomed Flight Engaged in 'Heroi
Details how passengers may have stopped hijackers from crashing into another crowded building.
RCMP To Head Terrorism Investigation Squad
Canadian police forces team up with American investigators to follow leads. Includes audio clips.
Rescue Takes Priority, While Massive Investigation
Report on the continued evacuations and recovery of one of the missing flight recorders.
Stranded Stars Sing For Relief Effort
Details how Canadian country music artists put on a fund-raising concert in Calgary.
Terrorists Trained As U.S. Pilots
Examines the terrorist's backgrounds along with the possibility that they may have entered the United States via Canada.
Trade Between Canada-U.S. Hard Hit by Border Check
Article describing how American customs intensified its checks of all vehicles crossing border points.
U.S. Begins Hunt For Those Responsible
Report on the American response to the terrorist attacks, with photos and video clips.
Wounded Pentagon Tries To Reopen
Article provides photos, video samples, and facts on the Pentagon.