America Unites. Will we?
"In light of last week's terrorists attacks, I have a challenge to the Mac Web and Mac users the world over - end the 'Mac-PC wars' rhetoric now." USA. Digging, Memory and Mattering
"Well, everyone is saying it and I don't need to say again - we're all trying to get back to normal, as if that is possible. It will be very hard. I simply have some scattered thoughts of the events of the last week and my own relatioship to the Mac and Apple. They are scattered because I am scattered." USA. Let Them Speak: "New York Was
Thoughts from Chris Gee, a reader. USA. Let Them Speak: Reflections from a
Thoughts from Dr. Jeffrey Fine, a reader. USA. Machine Guns, Modern Terrorism and
David Schultz gives an historical perspective to the events. USA. Skewed Mac - Normal..?
"The last week has shaken our normalcy. Let's hope it keeps us shaken, but allows us to appreciate our freedoms without wasting anyone else's time on this planet. That goes double for Mac sites." USA. The human face of terror
"We have writers all over the world. We have writers who are academics and who hold other responsible positions, and have families with the same. Yesterday I asked for statements making sure everyone was fine. The response was nothing short of remarkable. Coincidence, fate, and protection is with the Applelust family, and what some of the writers said was chilling. I let the words stand on their own." USA.