A satirical look at the Israel-Palestinian conflict in the style of The Onion, focusing on current news, events, and political leaders. Monthly updates.
Arabs Slyly Building Wall Around Israel
Satirizing Israel's construction of security walls and ditches on its borders.
Bush Calls For Mideast Truce So U.S. Can Attack Ir
Depicting the reaction to Sharon and Arafat to a complaint from Bush that their conflict is interfering with his ability to gain Arab support for an invasion of Iraq.
Bush Lays Out Tough Terms for Palestine To Make Wo
Describing the promise that, if numerous preconditions are met, a provisional state of Palestine might qualify for participation in soccer's World Cup, and reactions from Arab leaders.
Festival premiere for film on strife in Israel
Describing a scathing satire on both Israeli and Palestinian culture, in the form of an animated short film, considered too controvercial for show in either Israel or its Arab neighbors.
More More More Israel-Palestinian War
Editorial cartoons on violence in the Middle East, ranging from the neutral to the wildly biased, collected from around the world.
Oleg Cartoon Archive
Gallery of editorial cartoons from a perspective sympathetic to Israel.
Only in Israel: Ironies add touch of humor, sadnes
Anecdotes revealing the ironies of life in Israel.
Palestinians Show Link Between The U.S. And Israel
Satirizing U.S. support and arms shipments to Israel, and Israel's use of force against Palestinians, by describing them in the same manner the Bush and Sharon Administrations speak of the Palestinians.
Sharon, Arafat Walk Off Set of "Israel"
Portraying Sharon and Arafat as actors on a television show, disgusted by the absurd lines and actions scriptwriters foist upon them.
Sometimes, when I sleep at night, I think of &apos
Depicting George Bush as having an epiphany on how to solve the conflict in the Middle East, inspired by Dr. Seuss.
The new `In thy blood, live' government (Exp
Satirizing the government of Israel as being anything but a well-oiled machine.
U.S. Drops Cats Into Belgium
The Bush Administration declares that it is not in fact confused and incoherent on the Middle East conflict, announcing that it is actively parachuting cats into Belgium.
Who's sorry now? A scenario
Presenting a scenario where, following the destruction of a London skyscraper and a series of suicide bombings across France, France and England behave in the present manner of Israel and the United States.