english deutsch
Jews in UK renounce right to live in Israel
Describing a statement by a prominent Jewish Group, describing their position that it would be morally wrong for them to assert a right of return when Palestinian refugees are denied that right.
On the Palestinian Right of Return
This Essay by Marc Ellis is "A Jewish Meditation on History, Rights and Return".
Refugees and the right of return (bitterlemons.org
Articles from Palestinian and Israeli viewpoints, by Ghassan Khatib, Yossi Alpher, Sari Nusseibeh, and Yossi Beilin.
The Palestinian refugees right of return, FAQ on Mideast conflict.
The Right of Return
An essay by peace activist Uri Avnery, asserting that the 'right of return' is a scarecrow Israelis use to frighten themselves, and that a workable solution to the refugee problem could be achieved without threatening Israel's demographic balance.
Twilight Zone / Generation gap
Describing the thoughts of the oldest resident of the Deheisheh refugee camp in the West Bank to his more than fifty years in exile, his desire for peace, and his fear that he will never again see his son, a militant exiled to Gaza.