Coming to Grips with Deir Yassin
A Zionist account of the facts of the Deir Yassin massacre of 1948 with extensive documentation including a first hand account, maps, translations of original documents, and analysis.
Deir Yassin - Arab & Jewish Tragedy in Palesti
An online book describing events preceding, during, and following the massacre, attempting to present the Palestinian perspective without assigning blame.
Deir Yassin Remembered
Organisation founded to do justice to the victims of the massacre. Historical information, with news and details of current events and memorials.
The 1948 Massacre at Deir Yassin Revisited
A thoroughly footnoted scholarly examination of the massacre, with an analysis of its impact on subsequent events in the region.
Whom You Forgive Anything,?I Forgive Also
Examining the facts of the massacre at Deir Yassin, and suggesting that Israel should apologize to the Palestinian people for its past mistakes as part of a mutual reconciliation and quest for peace.
Zionist Organization of America
A revisionist account of the massacre at Deir Yassin, in which independent witnesses from Britain and the Red Cross are depicted as liars, histories from Israeli soldiers are dismissed, and victims are described as Arab men wearing dresses.