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About.com - Osama Bin Laden Humor
An extensive collection of images, cartoons, jokes, videos, and merchandise targeting Osama bin Laden.
About.com: Osama Bin Laden Jokes, Cartoons and Hum
A collection of Osama bin Laden jokes, cartoons, games, animations, song parodies, gag gifts, and other humor related to the war on terrorism.
Afghan TV Guide
Includes such fictitious programs as the No-Witness News, Allah McBeal, and Captured Northern Alliance Rebels Say the Darndest Things.
Humor site based around the idea of Afghanistan as the 51st of the United States.
Ahmed and Mohammed's Hideout
Original humor site about bin Laden, Islamic extremism, jihad, and the Taliban.
America's Mad as Hell Humor Page
Pictures, jokes, and MP3 audio files.
An extensive collection of Osama bin Laden's
Rich collection of every funny thing that has something to do with Osama bin Laden
Are You Anti-Osama?
Anti-Osama jokes, free games, updated terrorism related news, and FAQs.
Bin Laden
Gives more than 350 funny pictures about bin Laden and several flash games.
Bin Laden Editorial Cartoons
From several cartoonists, featured on Edivu.
Bin Laden Fun
Movies and games, picture gallery, poems and jokes.
Bin Laden Jokes
Twisted humor with Taliban jokes featuring Osama Bin Laden Includes several messageboards and chat forums. Hundreds of jokes and discussions.
Collection of WTC Humor
Osama Bin Laden funny pictures and jokes
Come Mr. Taliban
Spoof of The Banana Boat Song sung by a cartooned Secretary of State Powell.
Condor's Cave - humor&downloads
Humor and Downloads about Osama Bin Laden
Die Bin Laden
Jokes and images mocking the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.
F*ck Usama
A simple repository of Osama Bin Laden jokes, pictures, mp3 and flash.
Pictures of Osama Bin Laden, downloads, mpgs, graphics, links, and AIM Icons.
GotLaughs.com - Osama bin Laden Pictures
Includes Osama toilet paper, wanted poster, eagle biting his head off, and other favorites.
Is Osama a demon?
The Revelation 13 site discusses whether Osama is a demon
Kick Osama bin Laden
Shows flash animations, songs and a chance to kick bin Laden online.
Lifeisajoke.com: Osama Bin Laden funny pictures &a
Large collection of Osama Bin Laden and Taliban funny pictures, cartoons and jokes.
Containing an audio file and graphics lampooning bin Laden.
Osama and Taliban Jokes
Osama Bin Laden & Taliban Jokes and Cartoons.
Osama Bin Laden anagrams
This site lists many hilarious anagrams of Osama Bin Laden
Osama bin Laden Flash
A collection of Anti-Osama flash games and movies to either download or play online from Newgrounds.
Osama bin Laden Jokes and Banners
A collection of jokes about Osama bin Laden. Includes free anti-bin Laden banners
Osama bin Laden Sux
Sixty pages of humorous and clever pictures of Osama bin Laden.
Osama bin Laden's To-Do List
A comical countdown of 15 items he needs to take care of.
Osama bin Laden: Nowhere to Run - Nowhere to Hide
Flash movie with bombs going after bin Laden.
Osama Bin Ladin with Attitude
A wity collection of pictures of Osama.
Osama Rama by Mike Overbeck
The most famous Flash animation Diplomacy and his newest Taliban Twister, and Halloween
Osama's Bin Bloggin
Bin Laden comments selected articles on international politics. A satirical weblog.
Osama's Taliban Jokes
A collection of taliban jokes
Taliban Singles Online
A screen shot of the secret site where lonely Taliban men find the women of their dreams.
The Bin Laden Files
News Links,Virus Alerts,Game Links all having something to do with Bin Laden.
The Funny Osama Page
Shows several flash movies on bin Laden and the Taliban.
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Rumors of War (Bert
Bert appears on posters carried by supporters of Osama bin Laden.
Vudu Tu U Osama Vudu Doll
Voodoo doll with the face of Osama Bin Laden and a target on the torso.
What is wrong with Usama
Reasons to not like Usama Bin Laden