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9.11 Moments
Offers 34 minute-long spots capturing reactions to the attack and reflections about how September 11 changed peoples' lifes [Quicktime Player required].
A Tribute to America
Flash movie dedicated to the heroes and fellow Americans affected by the events, by Del Padre Visual Productions.
America Grieves
Multimedia tribute with slide show and sound.
America in Crisis
Various images of the attack.
America Under Attack
Collection of photos taken by Jeroen Morriën.
American Spirit
Flash movie and music presentation.
American Tribute
Flash movie and a link collection.
Attack On America
Includes World Trade Center, Pentagon and Pittsburgh picture pages.
CNN Infographics: America Under Attack
Interactive re-count of the September 11, 2001 plane crashes in Washington, DC, New York City, and Somerset County, PA.
CNN Specials: Unimaginable
Pictures every five days starting September 11th till November 23th, covering the attacks, recovery efforts and war in Afghanistan.
God Bless America
Memorial with pictures.
Guardian: Video Clips
Video clips from Reuters of: the attack, the collapse, the aftermath, the reaction in NY, Bush and Giuliani, Blair and Arafat, Bush speaks to the nation, Osama bin Laden, Shimon Peres and Ariel Sharon. Also audio clips from Guardian journalists.
In Memory: 9-11-01 pictures
Photographs and collages.
New York Standing
Collection of 98 photographs progressing from before, during and after the attacks on New York on September 11th, 2001, by Chris Macke.
New York Times: An Audacious Attack
Video clips by The Associated Press taken in the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. Includes scenes of destruction and speeches by officials.
Seeing The Horror
Photo galleries, photographer profiles, multimedia and interviews with photographers. Presented by Digital Journalist and American Photo.
Seeing The Horror II
Photo galleries and commentary, presented by Digital Journalist and American Photo.
September 11, 2001
Photo diary of the events, with including multimedia and a Flash flights ,editation Page with names of all passengers and crews lost. Also provides articles, prayers, and links.
Sharing Our Grief
Photos of the world responding to the attack. Includes images from several public buildings and U.S. Embassies with candles, flowers, and flags flying at half-staff.
Space Imaging: Gallery
Satellite imagery of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The Jerusalem Post : America Under Attack
Photo album. Israel.
The Septempber 11th World Trade Center Memorial
Memorial to the horrific events, and to the heroic victims of September 11th, 2001.
TIME: Aftershock
Photoessay showing New Yorkers struggling with their anxiety after the attack.
Time: Terror Hits Home
Images of the destruction of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Time: The World Reacts
Photographs of reactions to the tragedy.
Tribute to the War on Terror
Flash slide show and music.
US Attack Media Archive
Extensive collection of images and videos.
USA Today Pictures
Gallery of images showing the attacks and tragedies caused by the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Pennsylvania terrorist hijackings.
Washington Post: Camera Works
Galleries of images displaying the destruction and aftermath of the attacks on the Pentagon, World Trade Center, and the reactions of the people.
World Trade Center Photos
Includes before and after pictures of the World Trade Center as well as movies and Flash animations.
Yahoo! Slideshow: Terrorists Attack U.S.
A large gallery of images collected from various news sources, plus links to related Yahoo slideshows.